Recent content by Ganjora

  1. Ganjora

    I'm a bad Vaporist, how about you?

    the smell of burning weed is so bad to me that i cannot believe that i smoked for 32 years. the taste of smoked weed is even worse than the smell. i will never go back.
  2. Ganjora

    What is your favorite dry herb vaporizer

  3. Ganjora

    Athlete Vaporists?

    you can do ab exercises for the rest of your life and the 6 pack will not show. it is almost impossible to exercise yourself out of a bad diet. get your diet right and the fat will melt away. it's all about the diet...
  4. Ganjora

    TinyMight / TM 2

    my TM2 is set at 9 permanently. it works perfectly and does not scorch/combust. a while ago, suddenly out of the blue it did. i came onto the forum and was told what an idiot i am and that at 9 OF COURSE it'll combust, duh! well, that was the only period it has ever happened. i had some...
  5. Ganjora

    Anvil by Vestratto

    had an anvil since they 1st came out. as i recall the 1st batch were given to the testers, and i got from the next batch. in other words the 1st batch you had to pay for. the point is that i have washed everything aside from the shield in iso since then with zero problems so far. i also...
  6. Ganjora

    Anvil by Vestratto

    i use the magnet from the anvil tube case. hold the bowl with the magnet to screw it out, load it, and screw back it in. you cannot over tighten it with only the magnetism and it makes loading the hot bowl a piece of cake.
  7. Ganjora

    Athlete Vaporists?

    developed ITB syndrome in late Nov. eased up on the running and started strength training. decided after watching some youtube's that it was probably down to an overall weakness of the particular leg (tibial plateau fracture, ruptured ACL years ago) dialed the running down to 3 days a week, on...
  8. Ganjora

    Why can no one sell a cheap wireless ball vape?

    you guys are lucky! you sweat to earn a buck in any currency. unfortunately my country's currency is near worthless. 20 of ours for 1USD. i still bought the B2, but damn it hurt...
  9. Ganjora

    Athlete Vaporists?

    recently bought a book. it's on calisthenics. am enjoying my running hugely, just like when i was 16, but want to get stronger throughout my body. if i even drive slowly past a gym i start putting on muscle, which is extra weight to carry when running, so not wanted. it looks like this can...
  10. Ganjora

    Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.

    TM2 for the win.
  11. Ganjora

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Thanks for your reply Rodney. i think it must have had something to do with the cannabis itself. after nearly losing my mind with the TM2 i tried every almost every other vape in my collection , and the only vape that did not combust that particular cannabis was the B2. i have since finished the...
  12. Ganjora

    What would be your Trinity of vapes?

    Anvil B2 TM2
  13. Ganjora

    Do you save your AVB?

    Yes. Add it to the bokashi bin to fertilize my grow patch. Lucky little earth worms.
  14. Ganjora

    How do I best clean my bong?

    Go to the local gprcery/hardware store and buy 'cleaning benzine'
  15. Ganjora

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    has anyone ever washed their head by dunking the entire screwed together unit, when cold and unplugged, in iso? thinking about a 'lazy cleaning' for a B2 full of rubies.
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