Dynavap/Vapman user for years. Help me choose the next one.


Well-Known Member

Long time lurker… So first I would like to thank you all for the invaluable mass of knowledge, inventivity and dreams disseminated on this forum. Wonderful community that you have here.

For a bit of context: I stopped smoking cigs cold turkey around 15 years ago. I was a daily joint smoker at the time, and the tobacco stop, plus various life and professional changes made me almost totally quit cannabis for a decade.

Then I heard the call of the Plant again, I discovered fantastic little 5mg gummies, and I bought a Dynavap Omni XL Titanium early 2019… and it is my trusty daily companion ever since. Love it. With 1-3 small bowls a day, I lean more on the microdose side, but as I have decided to quit alcohol for good and explore cannabis more, that may change a bit. Or not. I love having zero tolerance.
I bought a Vapman also, mostly to try hash again, and for the beautiful look and ritual around the object. Brilliant!
I love them both, but I admit I really loathe the noise of the torch. So much that I used the Omni with a regular Zippo for years, or an alcohol lamp.

But recently I felt the creepy VAS that I kept in check for years… One day I may surrender, and buy a nice desktop, a Vapbong, a Couchlog or a Musa with nice glass, or something else entirely, but if I am realist, it would be overkill.
And I like the versatility of a portable vape, to take hiking, or in the woods with the dog, or at night in the garden, etc. But I still contemplate the idea of a new vape, for easier or more convenient use, to try other things, to be able to sip more frequently on CBD flowers, and whatever semi-bullshit reason I can come up with to justify a new purchase of a vape. :D

So for now, I would love to hear your recommendations. I am very ambivalent about battery powered vapes, and the electronic components that come with it, the waste, etc. But I think I would like something more convenient than butane.

I quite heavily lean towards a Tiny Might 2. I think I did quite a bit of research, and TM2 seems the one that would suits me best, and plan to wait and see if there are good Black Friday sales to seize the opportunity, but I am open to suggestion. Or validation.

So… criteria…

- Design is really important. In a dream world I would have put my name on the list for a Toad/Nomad years ago… If I am being honest, I feel like most portable vapes are ugly as shit, or disposable inneficient plastic junk. TM2 is not my dream design, but it is quite good, and I could live with it and enjoy it.

- Taste. Taste.

- Convenience. To use, and to keep clean.

- I think I would prefer 1-2 good vapour hits, rather than 5-6 wispy ones

Pax and Firefly look good but seem to fall short, performance and taste wise.

Mighty & Co are out. I really dislike the look, and I do not want a plastic brick.

Angus… meh. Do not know why. But no.

Firewood. Nice, but not super fan.

Neo is almost tempting, despite its "my dad is a laser saber and my mom a vibrator" look…

Glow RCV / musa 510…?

Having written this wall of text, I feel I am better off with keeping my Omni XL :lol:

Thanks for your advices, have a nice day/night.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Welcome to FC !

If you like the vapor signature of the dynavap, why don't you try an induction heater to get rid of the torch noise ? It is still portable and not super expensive.

The vapman will have its station back soon but it's not portable and quite expensive...


Well-Known Member

Yeah… I discarded the induction heater a while ago because it seemed paradoxal in regard of the minimalist battery free use of the Dynavap, but now that I contemplate my principles failing purchasing a battery/electronic vape anyway, it could be an option again, indeed.

I like vapor signature of the dynavap, but I have not much to compare it too. Beside the vapman, I have tried a friend's Pax and Crafty a couple years ago, and that's it. So it could also be the occasion to try something new entirely –says the tiny creepy VAS voice…–. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Right now, from what you wrote, the Tinymight 2 sounds like something you might like and might fit your needs. Probably the Tetra P80 by Lamart as well, although it is harder to buy.

The upcoming Tempest by Mad Heaters seems to be very interesting, reading early feedback from those who have tried it. In your case, with an induction heater, it might be another very good option.

Another one I would personally keep an eye on is the new Tafée Bowle that they keep putting off, but according to the latest rumors it could be out before the end of the year. Virtually nothing is known about it.


Well-Known Member
Neo is almost tempting, despite its "my dad is a laser saber and my mom a vibrator" look…

And I like the versatility of a portable vape, to take hiking, or in the woods with the dog, or at night in the garden, etc.
Question: do you want to use the vaporizer during hiking or during stops? I ask this because some vaporizers need a longer draw and for me that is not ideal during hiking.

The Glow 18, with the right mod box, dosing capsule and short mouthpiece, is perfectly portable, but the vapor can be quite hot. My solution is the combi-mouthpiece (bottom half is wood, upper half is a short glass cooling mouthpiece). The Glow doesn’t fit perfectly in my pocket, but I always have a backpack with me. In the garden or at home I use a long cooling mouthpiece for smooth and tasty vapor.

A portable IH for the Dynavap is great during hiking stops or in the garden. No wind to mess with the flame!

During walking I prefer a ‘conduction sipper’ so that I don’t need to take a long inhale. I don’t have a vaporizer like that in rotation now. I used a Crafty+ from a friend during hiking and for that purpose it was a great experience.


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Hi @StellarLarve, I feel that there are some questions you need to answer first so that you can receive advice that suits you best. @Dutch-Mic's question can be relevant too.

When you write that you want a vape to bring with you on walks and hikes, and that you prefer:
- I think I would prefer 1-2 good vapour hits, rather than 5-6 wispy ones
My question is, what do you actually want? Or maybe another question, what is your tolerance and how many hits do you usually need? And if a vape can give several good hits, would you prefer that rather than 1-2 hits? What I'm asking, do you want to have a slower session or do you want to take a couple of hits quickly and be satisfied?
- Taste. Taste.
One criteria you mention is taste, but you also mention that you are happy with your dynavap signature. So I guess maybe the saying ignorance is bliss can be applied here?
Something else, I get the feeling that you like some of the rituals when vaping? You also mentioned wanting to sip on cbd buds. Based on this and if you answer the above with you preferring a slower session, I'd like to recommend the Arizer Air Max. It is very well-received by others, I don't actually have one but I will soon be getting one for myself. I want a vape that lets me take my time and not have me blasted in two hits. I want something more, relaxing and meditative. Now it doesn't meet your criteria for looks, but I do understand that it is a quality vape. And it would meet your criteria for:
- Convenience. To use, and to keep clean.
Uses glass stems (you can find wooden also), is easy to clean. Has a clean vape path.
Note, the Air Max isn't just the next model in the Air lineage. It seems to be an evolution of the Solo II & the Air models, having made several improvements, for example a new and more powerful heater being one.
But if you prefer a powerful convection based vape then the Tinymight is a very good option, I have one myself. And it is possible to temp step to prolong a session, but, it is still a very effective vape. That's why I will be getting an Air max.

I think the Glow RCV is also a very good choice, would have bought one myself if I didn't already have a tinymight.

And I feel the same, about the Toad and Nomad...


Well-Known Member
You might check about AVLP too then. Also, v3p or roffu to. Not sure about clearing in 2-3 hits as I only temp stepped when I used my v3p, and it's at my friend's for months now so I can't really help with that. @LesPlenty Has lots of roffu videos though and if I recall some v3p too, maybe it can give you what you need without the $350+. If you're into 510s so glow and cosmic xtractor (splinter z clone) are available too.
I feel like this is at odds with the original request. I'm glad you were able to get a free one, hope you enjoy it when it arrives.:lol:
Not that I used it, but why you're saying it wouldn't work? Sure, it's no TM or glow but based on past experience with XMAX it'll probably work pretty well

Grass Yes

Staff member
Not that I used it, but why you're saying it wouldn't work? Sure, it's no TM or glow but based on past experience with XMAX it'll probably work pretty well
I would say it is not beautiful and it is definitely disposable.
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
Hey, thank you all for these precious inputs that give other perspective, and make me think a bit differently about that "need"/"want".

To answer broadly, in terms of usage, I mostly have a bowl at night. Sometimes one in the morning too if I do not have a busy day scheduled.
I have zero tolerance, one Vapman or Dynavap bowl is usually enough. I often cut my "real" weed with CBD bud to try and mimic 1:1 and have a mellower effect. I may have 2-3 bowls in a row every now and then, but long gone are my days of 1g joints… 😅

As for the hikes, it is usually right before, or during stops. Super hard to beat the form factor of the Omni regarding portability, or the smallness of the Vapman case.

Taste wise, I have nothing to compare them too, indeed. 😆
I am sure the dynavap is not ranked too high for taste, and I more than often flirt with the roast line…
But the Vapman allows to have several very fresh and tasty hits, before a couple more dense vapour hits.

I think it is one of the thing that seems interesting in the TM2, the ability to have a degustation session on low temp, or temp step, or hit it hard and fast. And its reputation for taste.

Thank you @Tellus and @XpeeN for the suggestions, I'll go and read a bit further about them, and see how they compare to the highly rated TM2.

That upcoming Tempest looks very promising indeed… I can't help to desire it, even it solves nothing of my actual "problems". VAS is a pervasive affliction it seems…

I gladly admit that I am more than picky design-wise, I like beautiful objects, plus my ambivalence towards battery and mass produced plastic vapes reduce drastically the options.
I can't help to feel they are lacking soul… We are already surounded so much by "stuff", I think I need my vapes to be more than purely utilitarist, but have that "je ne sais quoi" that make me feel happy to use them.
The Omni and the Vapman have soul imho, and the gestures and ritual to use them, despite being less convenient, add more than just press a button, hit it and be done with it, if that make sense.

The more I think about it, the more I think I should perhaps look more into artisan wooden logs, CouchLog & co with nice glass, or surrender and order a vapbong. 🤣

Definitely should have jumped on the Toad train earlier… 🤪
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im not a robot

Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, the more I think I should perhaps look more into artisan wooden logs
you say your tolerance is on the lower side? mine certainly is, and vapman is my top choice for microdosing. but you already have that, so what i really enjoy when at home is my woodscents log. it has the best taste out of any vape i tried (admittedly not so many), and is almost as good at microdosing miniscule amounts as the vapman is. plus it is compatible with dynavap stems. you mention you are looking at the couchlog, which makes sense b/c they really look nice & is the newer tech. i have never tried one, but i imagine they have a lot more punch than woodscents (for better or worse), but regardless i think any log vape would be a real nice addition for home use. they are beautiful objects & there is a nice ritual to using them. particularly in winter?

there is nothing wrong with wanting beautiful or just new stuff every now and then, and it does sound like you are centring in on the tinymight, which is a solid buy. but having owned (& sold) one, i am not sure it is going to fill a hole in your rotation you might not even have. or for very long? it is a very popular vape and with good reason & i only got rid of mine at the time b/c i needed the money (& was young) & this saw the least use. this being said, for the amounts i usually use the tinymight was never an ideal fit. sure you can sort of microdose with it as well, as long as the heater is covered it is going to work. but both vapman & woodscents are imo a lot more satisfying when using very small amounts, this is where they shine. i am not a vaporiser engineer, i dont know how it works exactly, bowl size / design? and this is in any case just my personal experience, i am a super lightweight and for that the tinymight was just overkill.

either way, have fun shopping, you have many good options, and chances are this wont be your last buy anyway :)


Well-Known Member
you say your tolerance is on the lower side? mine certainly is, and vapman is my top choice for microdosing. but you already have that, so what i really enjoy when at home is my woodscents log. it has the best taste out of any vape i tried (admittedly not so many), and is almost as good at microdosing miniscule amounts as the vapman is. plus it is compatible with dynavap stems. you mention you are looking at the couchlog, which makes sense b/c they really look nice & is the newer tech. i have never tried one, but i imagine they have a lot more punch than woodscents (for better or worse), but regardless i think any log vape would be a real nice addition for home use. they are beautiful objects & there is a nice ritual to using them. particularly in winter?

there is nothing wrong with wanting beautiful or just new stuff every now and then, and it does sound like you are centring in on the tinymight, which is a solid buy. but having owned (& sold) one, i am not sure it is going to fill a hole in your rotation you might not even have. or for very long? it is a very popular vape and with good reason & i only got rid of mine at the time b/c i needed the money (& was young) & this saw the least use. this being said, for the amounts i usually use the tinymight was never an ideal fit. sure you can sort of microdose with it as well, as long as the heater is covered it is going to work. but both vapman & woodscents are imo a lot more satisfying when using very small amounts, this is where they shine. i am not a vaporiser engineer, i dont know how it works exactly, bowl size / design? and this is in any case just my personal experience, i am a super lightweight and for that the tinymight was just overkill.

either way, have fun shopping, you have many good options, and chances are this wont be your last buy anyway :)

Thank you. You put well in words some concerns that a log could indeed be a better fit for my use. I kind of convince myself that a TM2 is a good option, mostly because most other portables do not appeal to me at all, but in fact I perhaps have to look elsewhere entirely.

Damn, the quest just got bigger… 🤪


Well-Known Member
Why spending 350$ on a Tm2 for such a light use?
The way you would use it a Tm1 would be fine too and 100$ cheaper other than smaller.
Mind that Tm line of vapes have glass parts that can break if you accidentally drop it. None of your existing vapes is that fragile.
If you are ok to consider plastic vapes I would get some inexpensive ones with small bowls like G-pen dash/Flowermate Cap, or an XMAX V3 nano which is just 50$ if it turns out any good. Way smaller too.
I would get both a Tm1/2 for home use and a backup ugly one for hiking.


Well-Known Member
Not wrong…

I do not really mind the price as long as the quality, design, ease of use etc, is there. And I tend to think that every iteration makes a device better in some way. But you are not wrong, it is another fallacy of the modern world.

One thing that makes me sad, really, when browsing threads or reviews, is the obsolescence and fragility of most vapes. In almost every thread you can see comments along the line of "my device is 1 year old and is not working anymore", mostly for a stupid tiny cheap piece, a wire, whatever…

My Omni is almost 5 years old, and works like new, despite its battle scars and proofs of use. Granted, it is a basic primitive tool compared to most vapes, but still… The potential of failure of more technologic vapes adds to my reluctance to get one.

The soon to be Tempest seems quite rugged and bulletproof. But back to the torch, or the IH.

What I need is a ball vape chillom with a thermal mass heated by a tea candle. One hour to heat, while you can medidate, and then vape. I'll go design it.


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)

You can ignore my earlier recommendation then, will probably not suit your wants.

A tinymight is still pretty versatile but maybe too much? Not saying you wouldn't be happy with one, you would! Btw what about the firewood don't you get along with? The firewood 9 seems to be a very good example of good evolution. I do have one last recommendation, the mflb - magic flight launch box! I am pretty sure it's also a good vape, there are just so many other good vapes people prefer more now. From what I've gathered it does a very good job but has a bit of a learning curve.

Edit: Ok, based on your last post sounds like the mflb can be something for you! It seems to be very reliable and no electronics :brow:

What I need is a ball vape chillom with a thermal mass heated by a tea candle. One hour to heat, while you can medidate, and then vape. I'll go design it. :D
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Well-Known Member
The Firewood sounds like your best bet. It's similar to a Dynavap hit with a bit more convection (but still very hybrid). It comes in 2 configurations but you can buy both if you want. It can clear it in a few hits at higher temps.


Well-Known Member
The Firewood sounds like your best bet.

Btw what about the firewood don't you get along with?

I… don't know, really. 🤷‍♂️
I think it is only a very subjective aesthetic thing, my own weird and irrational cursor on the "arts & craft" scale. It is hard to explain… They are surely brilliant, but they do not appeal that much to me.

Edit: Ok, based on your last post sounds like the mflb can be something for you! It seems to be very reliable and no electronics :brow:

Thanks, I'll go and do some reading about the mlfb. I knew the name, and thought it was some other ancestor of butane vape. Looks interesting and the price makes it worth testing.
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Well-Known Member
If you want battery power then the Tinymight is great. If you want butane power then the Anvil is great. If you want a ball-vape chillum then get the Tempest.


Well-Known Member
If you want a ball-vape chillum then get the Tempest.

I am really daydreaming for a while now about building something along the line of the glass vapes from The Rogue Wax Works, but without the industrial torch. Sketching some massive old school ceramic chillums with a basic* heat accumulator that would take a moment to attain a sufficient and stable temperature, but then allow big hits for a while.

The Tempest seems almost that, indeed. I'll keep an eye on it.
—Edit: I have just read and watch the last pages/reviews on the thread. The hype seems huge, but I can totally see myself enjoying one.
Same as the Anvil, I am not a huge fan of the indus-Giger style, but with a wood sleeve? Sold. :D

*given the work and care and details about the heaters and the bowls and the airflow etc in the whole artisan vape scene, I am aware there is nothing basic if one want to craft an efficient vaporizing device.:D:D
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Yeah… I discarded the induction heater a while ago because it seemed paradoxal in regard of the minimalist battery free use of the Dynavap, but now that I contemplate my principles failing purchasing a battery/electronic vape anyway, it could be an option again, indeed.

I like vapor signature of the dynavap, but I have not much to compare it too. Beside the vapman, I have tried a friend's Pax and Crafty a couple years ago, and that's it. So it could also be the occasion to try something new entirely –says the tiny creepy VAS voice…–. :lol:
I did the same thing myself. Bought an induction heater, felt like it defeated the purpose, and sold it. Felt the VAS and bought a new induction heater and love it. Went corded so the induction heater feels like my desktop setup and the torch is still my on the go or in the kitchen with friends go to.
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