Recent content by Dejavu

  1. Dejavu

    Camouflet Ceramo XL

    He has a sale goin on, $15 to try out one of his tubes. I almost grabbed one and said eh, I only buy from a few companies and putting my trust in that they aren't using false advertising on the metals. He was in sneakypetes stream a bit the past month, he isn't too busy it seems?
  2. Dejavu

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    where to find after market 14mm mouth pieces? twrr the only place i could find for a fair price please and thanks! :<
  3. Dejavu

    Vestratto Tornado heating tips

    I have a custom insert coming in for my wand, I like inserting it from the back but it heats it up way more darker avb on the click. Can insert from top but do not turn it on until its all the way in otherwise an error occurs from the head going in and out while in automode when inserting versus...
  4. Dejavu

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    What would be the difference in these 2 percs...
  5. Dejavu

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I thought about adding water to the prophet too. I have a ms fab egg and love it with water. I just want something new. I like the idea of the ashcatcher being a small footprint. I might just grab both. I like recyclers too but never used one. Debating on it.
  6. Dejavu

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I'm looking for a water rig for my tempest/tornado. I'm debating on 14mm jhook + ash catcher with water or do you think there are better 14mm options to get? I feel like water might help a little?..I'm not sure if I want to go dry prophet or water with one of those combos.
  7. Dejavu

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    What's a good 10mm bubbler[probably dry] for using a tempest on, prefer a non frosted joint for scratching. I have 14mm reduecer to 10mm that isn't frosted, would it be better to just grab a 14mm piece? I'm trying to decide if filling up small bubbler with vapor is better than just cooling it...
  8. Dejavu

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    wow nice! is he able to make the wood taper to fit 14mm joint? That's what I'm debating on trying to pick up!
  9. Dejavu

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    does closing the air ports on the head make it hit more restrictive/hotter too? I like dtl too
  10. Dejavu

    Tornado by Vestratto

    if iso and ultrasonic cleaner is safe then hopfully it should be fine
  11. Dejavu

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Ill toss an email to them and find out. I love using my ultrasonic cleaner. Is the o-rings the only issue? I know some click disc need to be dried off to prevent rusting? I usually ultrasonic then use a hair dryer.
  12. Dejavu

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    MH told me to run my head fully open and love it.
  13. Dejavu

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Is it safe to dump the tornado into a bowl of ISO? What about an ultrasonic cleaner?
  14. Dejavu

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    anyone use any glass stems on the tempest? Does it get hot near the tip if I grab a 75mm stem with an airport near the head?
  15. Dejavu

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Is anyone using the new dynavap adapter to heat the tornado? I heard some people were able to do that, I guess I need to trim the sides of the adapter?
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