Recent content by b0

  1. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    IME the Revolve gen 2 with the wood doesn't get as hot as the Tempest. That's why I have my full bowl with RevolveG2 and half bowl with Tempest body
  2. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I'm gonna need some info about what I'm seeing here sir, I really like it! :rockon: EDIT: About the cleaning balls topic: With ceramic ones. I torch them inside a lil pan I bought and only use for that. Takes less than a minute and leaves them like new. Please DON'T DO THIS WITH BORO or RUBY...
  3. b0

    Camouflet Ceramo XL

    I was letting everyone know you don't need third party solutions per se, as you said. They have an option compatible with Ceramo to cool down vapor themselves. Even tho I have to admit I never tried one, so I don't know how well it works. I was just trying to be informative :cheers:
  4. b0

    Camouflet Ceramo XL

    The Quad Bore Ceramic Cooling Tube (not XL) works with the Ceramo, I know because I ordered the wrong one and CS emailed me to let me know.
  5. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I use it inserted until the bottom red line on the instructions, all convection. For SiC half bowl OHE, I usually do between 270C-280C for the temp, depending on the flowers and battery. When battery is low I may go up 5C or 10C if I'm not at home, where I would usually just straight swap it...
  6. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Big facts. Also another factor for people using the wand, is the batteries and how charged they are. Personally I have 2 Tempest: First is full Tempest Body + half bowl + SiC 2.5mm, cap full open and closed port. Perfect for OHE every single time. Second is wood stem + Revolve 2 inside + full...
  7. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I guess I need a 3rd Tempest... :nod:
  8. b0

    Camouflet Ceramo XL

    Wow, from ordering my Ceramo yesterday super happy, to all this drama. I dunno much about Camouflet or prior issues they may have had, I didn't know the grashopper dude was part of it (that was a proper fuck up, but will keep my opinion to myself as it isn't related to this I believe?) but not...
  9. b0

    Camouflet Ceramo XL

    Ended adding one of the new caps to the order as I'm gonna be mainly using it with the wand at home, and I feel I will regret if not. I'll keep the regular XL cap for torching when out and about, with that fast heat up it has.
  10. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    What a beautiful way to start a day
  11. b0

    Camouflet Ceramo XL

    I thought the Tempest had me happy, end-game TED... And Indeed I love it, after like 8 years of only doing concentrates, I'm back at flowers just because of how much I enjoy it. But this Ceramo has really got my attention :worms:(vas is back lol) I just ordered a Ceramo and added a ceramic...
  12. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Just got Zirc 3mm and 2mm today. So far I have tried 3mm and I think we have a winner for the full bowl Tempest. But I will keep trying, for science :science: I would say SiC 2.5mm for half bowl one heat extraction, and Zirc 3mm for full bowl are my favorite for now...
  13. b0

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    For half bowl quick OHE I like SiC. One of my builds is that one fixed. For the full bowl one I'm not fully decided yet. Lately I've been enjoying ruby 2.5 and they aren't bad at all. I like them to start low temp and ramp up. Zirc are pretty good too, but I think I kind of like ruby better...
  14. b0

    Dynavap VapCap

    I would love a comparison between the Tempest and the THC cap, wasn't able to score one in the EU shop, there were out of stock when I tried. But I have a HD and 2 Tempest, quite excited for this new cap.
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