The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

When do you think the first Grasshoppers (in BOXES!) will ship?

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It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
It's been a year and going on 4 months on the 12th of June!! That's crazy!! That's way longer than anyone should EVER have to wait for a vaporizer!! Lol.

Well, I bought my first - and extremely ineffectual - vaporizer in the late '70s and wasn't able to get one that fulfilled the promise of vaporization until 2009. So compared to 30 years, 16 months doesn't seem so bad. ;)

Great news that the next batch is going out. Since my Jan 2016 pre-order is still showing a June 2016 ESD (revised from March 2016), I too am waiting with baited breath to see how GHL is going to hit their dates going forward. That's gonna be some swarm flying out of Boulder in the next few weeks!!

GO, HOPPERS, GO!!!!!!:clap::tup:


Well-Known Member
Uggggggggh. I ordered in March 2015 and I'm getting tired of the 1 month extensions. Damn if vaposhop doesn't tempt me...
Uggggggggh. I ordered in March 2015 and I'm getting tired of the 1 month extensions. Damn if vaposhop doesn't tempt me...
Me too. I've already put it in my cart and done every checkout step other than pay. In two months when I still don't have my hopper from HL, my future self would thank me for purchasing now, but I am also holding out unrealistic hope that by some miracle HL will ship mine in July.

Edit: Ok, I paid.
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-Loyal To The Oil-
Well now I was updated that mine was picked up by USPS and is scheduled for delivery to me on Monday. Hopefully it makes it here sooner tho! I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Me too me too!!! Sooo stoked! Now anyone have any idea how to start the cancel process through GH? That way I can get out of line and let someone else receive theirs sooner, although I only ordered a few weeks ago!! Hahaha man am I impatient!!
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Well-Known Member
I couldn't resist either. January 16 preorder. I completely forgot about the discount code so I sent them an email after I ordered so we will see.


Well-Known Member
2/12/15 Preorders - there are a bunch of us......I just got my shipping confirmation for two colored TIs: purple and green. They will be here in New England on Saturday. I did pay the $3 upgrade for priority shipping.

Here's hoping everyone is also getting their shipping confirmations!


Well-Known Member
I ordered from VapoShop yesterday morning at approx. 7:45am. I realize that they are about 7 hours ahead of my time zone. I have not gotten shipping notification yet....anybody get shipping notification yet?


Well-Known Member
I ordered from VapoShop yesterday morning at approx. 7:45am. I realize that they are about 7 hours ahead of my time zone. I have not gotten shipping notification yet....anybody get shipping notification yet?

The shipping confirmation will come soon, it's usually 1 day or 2 after the order ...


Vapor Enthusiast
It would be amazing if they were able to catch up by August.

I just checked and the eta for new orders is still August. That makes me hopeful :-)

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
It would be amazing if they were able to catch up by August.

I just checked and the eta for new orders is still August. That makes me hopeful :-)
Should your post be in the shipping thread?

Anyway, you made me check mine (I'm a June 2015 preorder). It still says in progress but no longer lists the month of estimated delivery


Vapor Enthusiast
Should your post be in the shipping thread?

Anyway, you made me check mine (I'm a June 2015 preorder). It still says in progress but no longer lists the month of estimated delivery

Probably - but with all the talk about vaposhop here, I thought I was for a second. Anyhow, my mistake.


I really can't wait to test this thing out. Looks awesome.


Old & In the Way
Should your post be in the shipping thread?

Anyway, you made me check mine (I'm a June 2015 preorder). It still says in progress but no longer lists the month of estimated delivery
Oh, I like the sound of that June preorder hopping thru the system. I'm not too far behind you...early Aug. '15.
Oh, geez, move all of us over to the shipping thread! (with apologies)


Well-Known Member
Should your post be in the shipping thread?

Anyway, you made me check mine (I'm a June 2015 preorder). It still says in progress but no longer lists the month of estimated delivery
That's strange, I am a May 2015 order and mine still says estimated May 2016 (obviously they missed that :().

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
That's strange, I am a May 2015 order and mine still says estimated May 2016 (obviously they missed that :().
I'm viewing on an iPhone. Maybe it just doesn't show on this device.

And I'm waiting to see the next flurry of address confirmations. At least get us into April
Mr. Me2,


Well-Known Member
HL website doesn't work well with phones and tablets. Use a computer and all the info should be there.


Well-Known Member
Should your post be in the shipping thread?

Anyway, you made me check mine (I'm a June 2015 preorder). It still says in progress but no longer lists the month of estimated delivery

It works on the iPhone. You just have to tap on the line that your order is on. It serves as a link to more specific information which will show when you ordered and when your estimated delivery date is.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of whether GHL is lying or not, FC rules do not allow you to accuse them of lying. Warning point issued.
So after many push backs of the dates the last extension is supposed to be the last correct? As they claimed they are ahead of schedule if i remember correctly. Im seeing some adress confirmations for early 2015 (jan, feb) but my hoppers are supposed to come this month ( after they pushed it back 2 months last time and said it was the last push back because they got in trouble.) I dont see how they are going to get to my order of oct 2015 this month at this rate, and they claimed to be on track or ahead of schedule.

I have been very supportive and waiting patiently and this is my first disparaging comment. I have tried to give them the benefit of doubt and even defended the wait, as i knew it was kind of up in the air. But with no june update and there is no way they are on track or ahead of schedule im startimg to get kinda pissed. Because i foolishy believed that they were being open and acctually moving this along. But no they lied again about the dates, i mean they have to have lied because there is no possible way i can see me getting my order this month. Especially when they are delivering orders to retailers, vape feind i understood because it was right as pre-orders went out and it made seince they were waiting in line too. I defended the vape feind retail, they deserve their cut and helps UK. But with 2 more retailers getting theirs, sounds shady to me. I do realize many folks have waited longer than I have, and we all have felt the fustration of the dates push backs. However i do really feel lied too again as hopperlabs knew they weren't going to get to all pre-orders yet claimed to be ahead of schedule.

I will eat my words if i do get an addy comfirm, but not holding my breath.

Sucks that i too now am in the pissed off crowd even though its just over a vape that i knew i was going to wait for. I have plenty other vape to use so im not sure why im getting fired up over this one. I usually have a pretty carefree additude and just figured it would get here when its ready. I guess its my fault for acctually believing anything hopper labs says because it always turns out to be smoke up your ass.

Please correct me if im wrong about thier claims, its just i guess i have hit my tipping point, i feel outright lied to many many times and they promised in the last update to have correct shipping dates.
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