Hell again!

I'm back with another super low budget water pipe adapter.
DIY Milaana WPA using the stock stems for $2.00 that anyone can do!
I was on my way home from the P.O. and stopped in my local sears hardware and walked around all vaped to see what I could find.
I came across these silicone connectors.
They are battery clamp covers and come in many sizes in black or red.
The two I purchased were the smaller of the them all.
Small one was $2 the little bigger one was $3.
You can see the small one has a lip on the inside, This is the one that works!
As you can see, the silicone cover slides right over top of the stock mouthpiece very secure. I even added weight for the hell of it to see if it stayed snug. It sure did.
The silicone WPA will work in most all waterpipes but can be also trimmed if necessary for a perfect fit!
This is super simple, works great, and is only $2!
***I would soak the silicone in coconut milk or at least ISO before using as I always do***
I found that this adapter is pretty close to Ratchetts Song and fits many other applications too because of the taper. It works on 18mm, 14mm, and possibly even 10mm female glass.