@flotntoke did you get your vapcap? If not when did you order? smelly dog ordered on March 21 and did not get his, yet priestsmiler who ordered on 420 and lives in England had his shipped last week. When you order things online and it does not say "preorder" as the case of the grasshopper, I would expect the item to ship out within a week. But in this case you were shown there would be shipping delays only at check out.
But it seems that you attacked my last two post...do I know you? Have I offended you somehow?
@VapCap George yeah I have been whining about vapcaps not shipping fast, but I hope you understand that your vapcaps are desired. So please hurry

Since we're over in the "shipping" thread, allow me to retort. Yeah, I got mine. Think it was about 2 1/2 weeks from when I ordered it, a couple months ago (not on George's busiest day in history or with a whopping 1/3 the price discount!). I also got my Ti/Woody a couple weeks back, about 3 weeks after I ordered it (maybe more, I'm not really in the habit of counting days on such things). You might not have noticed I was waiting, because I wasn't clogging up threads whining about it. But hey, that's me. I'm on the other end of this. You know... one of those people old enough to remember when things were different - a few short years ago - when expecting instant, or nearly instant, gratification was considered being a whiny little bitch. Not talking about you and your posts specifically - just my general disgust with many of the posts on FC these days. Where's my stuff? He should have shipped it! Where's my stuff? He shouldn't have sold it to me if it wasn't already in an envelope! Where's my stuff? He sent somebody elses (on a transaction I probably know little about if anything). Where's my stuff? If it doesn't get here by tomorrow, I'm telling my mom! It kind of gets old after a while, especially when I don't think there was any promise or indication it would be shipped or delivered on a certain date. If someone wants to assume something like that, it's all on them.
Why are you so worried about which VC shipped when and where it went? Did anybody tell you something specific that didn't happen? Are you being paid to be George's shipping QCA? Is smellydog or someone else paying you to track their stuff, rattle cages or anything else? You can expect whatever you want, and I won't even give you much shit for it. But, when the attitude is "I expect this or that" because someone thought it should be like that regardless of what was said, not said, etc, yes - I do take offense. Who the hell said when something is ordered online and it doesn't say "pre-order", that it will ship in a week? Is there some sort of internet selling guideline regulation I'm not aware of? Yeah, I expect that from Amazon, but not someone putting together an innovative product by hand in his garage.
So, sorry for taking it out on you if you feel like I am. It's not just you, and probably not your fault directly. It's just really annoying to come on to FC and read even more posts of people whining, "Where's my shit?". It will be there when it gets there, and probably not too much before that. If someone has expectations that aren't met, it's up to them to know what they are getting into or ask before paying if there will be concerns. Bitching and whining about it may be their right, but subjecting everyone else who is just passing through looking for info about a vape, sharing tips and experiences and whatnot shouldn't be subjected to all that shit - should they? It's not even like someone said you'll have your vape by whatever date and it isn't there - is it? Seems like it is usually that someone had an expectation based on what they wanted, or hoped for, with little connection to facts or how things work in the real world. Or, am I missing something here?
Im afraid it's the times we live in my friend. Doesn't make it right but there's no turning back now, unfortunately. Patience is a thing of the past. And as times go by we will only get worse at waiting.
I too purchased on 420 but at $47 for 2 vaporizers I'll kindly wait as long as it takes. More then likely going to gift 1 or both depending on how well it compliments my DD.
UGH!!! Ain't it a bitch. We all realize there will come a point in our lives where we'll start sounding like our grandparents used to by saying, "Well, it sure ain't like it used to be." And, there is bound to be some annoyance with that just based on the "what the hell is wrong with these damned kids today?" But, I have to admit I wasn't ready for the incessant whining here on FC and unfortunately in many other areas of life. The annoyance of things changing for the worse ought to be enough of one without the active annoyance of all the whining - don't you think? Or, am I just becoming a cranky old man at an alarming rate?
PS.... Thanks mods for moving my post and others over to this mess! I wasn't even aware there was a DynaVap shipping thread, but guess I should've checked. Imagine there must be one, or should be, for every vape that isn't being sold through a retail outlet or produced by one of the mega companies.