@smutman The vapor path goes through the unit, then through the cheapest plastic I have ever seen to the mouth piece.
Oh Ya, I got my mivape today too guys.
First impression....cheap. Like the Sonic vaporizer cheap. Cheaper than any flowermate product cheap.
I am thoroughly disappointed in the materials used and build quality of the unit. The hinges for the mouth piece and battery leave a lot to be desired.
If I look down into the bowl portion of my mivape, I can see what appears to be white glue at the bottom of the glass chamber.

Looking closely it looks like the chamber is lined with cotton. So it could be glue or wet then dried cotton stuck to the bottom???
If that weren't bad enough, when it's charging, standing up, on it's side, whatever way the unit says charging and fluctuates from 95% to 50% to 70% to low battery to fully charged. There is a definite connection problem going on inside the unit.
Click pic below to see charging video.
This thing looks like a nightmare!!!
***EDIT IN***
Tried taking the battery out of the mivape. Wasn't one of the changes to make the battery come out easier?
Here is a video of me trying to get the battery out.
Click on pic.