Hmmm.... not positive why im told i was tagged in here. .. no one's talking to me?
Think i might have bothered RBT. If so, just in case,
@RastaBuddhaTao sorry to bother you. I am very sure you can offer a better solution to temp control then i can. I'm sure you can source and design a far better implementation then most any of us here... just thought that tiny chip MIGHT work as a quick and easy fix for those that want it with out having to do much. Since you made it seem (to me at least) that you were not wanting to for these models...
Was just a thought that MAY work as a drop in V limiter, hopefully with out any soldering or modifying... and you can just take out and toss it if it breaks or is no longer wanted.
Sorry again if i stepped on your toes so to speak. Not at all my intention.
Now if you're willing to actually design a real solution, that would of course be infinitely better then my bandaid idea that may not even work...
If you want my thoughts (probably not but y'all can have them anyway!

Wouldn't mind digital up and down buttons like is all the rage now days, but i personally prefer a nice dial...
Also would this be a module that can be added on and removed to/from this vape? Or is this going to be a feature that's built into the unit it's self? thus probably making another vape?
I would LOVE a attachable/removable, separate module. I think that would be way cool, as something I've not seen before and it wouldn't reduce the reliability of the bullet proof main vape...
If you want to make a sister vape to this one with a power regulation built in that's cool too! But wouldn't that also be another vape model?
Really don't know which one i would want if i had to pick just one.(between 14m regulation vs 14m standard)... honestly hard to say, but i think I'd be comparing it more with the regular zion and thinking about form factors and bowl size instead of regulated vs manual... also i think TOD does a much better idea of capturing the essence of "raw unregulated power"...
Not really sure what i should be thinking with model. It makes me think more along the lines conservation and "pocket" log... and manually driving it with a bunch of button feathering/surfing seems like a real drag. Least with TOD hanging around, IMO. I
So yeah... i don't know. Is this supposed to be like a mini TOD? I think regulation might be a big plus if not.
On the other hand maybe you just want this to REMAIN more of a bare bones, basic, inexpensive intro vape with price being the bottom line.... then maybe another sibling is the answer. And if so, may i have that sibling instead?
And lastly, being quite frank, I don't WANT you making any more vape models tell i have at least one of you're awesome crations in my hands dang it!!! Jk
Or you could maybe think about selling some prototypes and increase size of testing pool?
*wink wink/cough cough* Lol jk