VapeLife X
Tried the vapman for the first time today and am really enjoying it! I see why it's so popular and am glad to own one...time to read through this thread as much as possible 

That's only fair. The guys on this thread love you.....or rather your products. You we like a LOT, but it's really different you know.......
We'd still like you without VM I think, but having one in your had kinda removes all doubt........
Tried the vapman for the first time today and am really enjoying it! I see why it's so popular and am glad to own one...time to read through this thread as much as possible![]()
Thank you OF! Seeing that you already wrote an unbelievable number of 14,287(!!!) posts and having you on this thread is a huge compliment for me and vapman, it really is!
I just did a rough calculation of how many hours you might have spent writing posts when taking an average of 10 minutes into account per post. This would make an astonishing 2,381 hours. Wow.
Welcome to the vapman family, nice to have you on board!
I think the vapman community is one of the slowest growing communities but it keeps on getting bigger and bigger every day since a very long time already. This is quite remarkable in a world where lots of things are out of date so quickly.
I wish you all a good day!
You are too kind René! I really do appreciate your offer!@VegNVape The series of posts, starting off between you and OF about the lost screw, is to good to be true, it is a piece of art!
To continue the drama, I could send you some screws in an envelope but I don't know If you are closer to MOJO's or my place, though?
Had an idea for the vapman. A portable butane torch attachment in the spirit of the hammer vape. It would have a vertical flame and may hold it in place with two tension arms. Maybe it's a class that holds both torch and vapman incase the torch dies. An elegant one band operation.
Phuu.. honestly, I got no clue. But some of us got goldteeth, so I thought, it is not a bad idea, to clean a gold surface with toothpaste. And even if it's a little bit abrasive, I only do it once a year. And if in 20 years the layer is gona be to thin, I let put René a new pan in.Not abrasive enough to rub off the gold coating though, right?
As I seen this in the thread here, I was LOL about this funny (and surly working) idea, the creative people her developped.Someone already did a DIY version of this with metal wire,
Thanks a lot. To be true, the execution is made in a sloppy way.Perfect idea and excellent execution!![]()
Yeah, that one I missed to buy now for month. Thanks for the remember!Pipe cleaners for the mouthpieces. They work great,fast and easy. Every 2-3 fill ups.
Q tips for cleaning the middle section every 3-4 fill ups with botanicals.
Ahh, yes, these magic eraser foams! Very good idea, so it stays dry.Melamine foam for the gold plated bowl.I just cut a tiny piece,one tiny drop of water and i force it around the bowl.It is very easy and my bowl is and gonna stay like new forever.
I was wondering; has anyone removed the mouthpiece and huffed on this bad-boy at low temps through the middle-piece?
I don't think anyone has mentioned using vapman with out the mouth piece but I'm sure someone in the thread has done it. I don't see why it wouldn't work though![]()
Yes, I tried it early on (along with blocking the air vents which can easily be done with tape or the ends or round toothpicks) but IMO the results were 'sub wonderful'. I may or may not have reported it here, but it's easy enough to try yourself and make up your own mind.
Of course running without a MP is standard for most guys using a WT, but that's a different case.
I ended up trying after posting and you're right about it being sub-wonderful. The heat and the awkward feel of how close the bowl is make it a little less than optimal and actually the taste was a little worse because of how harsh the air was.
When I experimented with making my own middle sections a larger bore seemed to yield less cloud. @OF have you got some science to back me up on this or am I crazy?
Hey guys, bit of a Q'! I just got the Vapman after 3 long-ass weeks of wait (AUSSIE CUSTOMS!!!) and it was totally and entirely worth it and I was wondering; has anyone removed the mouthpiece and huffed on this bad-boy at low temps through the middle-piece?
I wonder how the customs justify the hold up of your parcel for such a long time? I wonder if it is for quarantine reasons because of the wood? I lived in Australia in the 80's and I know that Australia is super careful about diseases brought into the country by organic materials.
Thanks for the reply @Nugg. I'm gonna start doing that. You said it and it's very logical too@vapelander I always do an iso wipe over after I'm done with the magic eraser. Then I hit the inside of the bowl with the troch real quick just to make sure the iso is definitely gone.
I wonder how the customs justify the hold up of your parcel for such a long time? This annoys me quite a bit as we are paying close to USD 30.-- for priority shipping. I wonder if it is for quarantine reasons because of the wood? I lived in Australia in the 80's and I know that Australia is super careful about diseases brought into the country by organic materials. At the same time I think, but don`t know for sure, that processed and dry woods are not really a danger as worms would not survive in a small and dry peace of wood being machined and treated otherwise.
Anyway, reading that it was worth the waiting for you, outweighs my worries about the customs, for sure!
Glad to know we have one more ambassador in beautiful Australia!
Thanks for nothing @OF. JokesI just thought that if anyone would know it would be you. It may have been my poor quality diy middle section to blame for the lack of vapor? The abv still looked as dark as using the normal middle section though.
Australian customs confiscated some pot puri that came with my solo. If i wanted it back it needed to be fumigated. Being strict on stuff like that is great but I wish they wouldn't hold up my vape related mail lol.
I didn't track my vapman while it was in the mail so I don't know how long it took to pass through customs but it took just under 3 weeks to get to me. If I recall correctly the envolope @vapman sent me took around the same time to get to me too. I don't think that would have been held up at customs being just an envolope.
A pic and gif to show the long reducer/adapter.
@vapman I did a little bit of scouting around and apparently Australian customs are allowed to quarantine anything that is made of natural materials or that comes into contact or has a chance to come into contact with natural materials... Which is kind of everything, ever. >.> Our laws/policies/etc. regarding law enforcement are fortunately not as tumultuous as in the US but I've come to learn recently that we've actually more legislation protecting the right to take people's rights away so customs holding a package too long for no good reason isn't too much of a worry, relatively speaking. XD