The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

When do you think the first Grasshoppers (in BOXES!) will ship?

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Future ruler of earth
Long time lurker, first time poster.

This is becoming very frustrating. Or more accurately, even more frustrating. I backed the GH on the very first day of the crowd funding campaign, and it really bugs me that people who got on board long after me have hoppers in hand, and I'm still waiting for something. Anything! Not even an address confirmation email yet. This just isn't fair, and isn't exactly creating good will towards the guys at GH or confidence in their ability to keep their shit together.

Any other first day supporters still waiting for address confirmation emails?

I think its because they are inexperienced and the indiegogo site might be hard to figure out who exactly was first to order, etc....but yeah its annoying when you see that, agreed.


Well-Known Member
Maybe each backer didn't get assigned a sequential number, and I can understand that, but it does say right on the GH site the date and time of my order. So they obviously know that I'm one of their first backers.

Yes, I know they didn't promise to ship in chronological order of when they received the "orders". But this should be a given, shouldn't it? It seems like this would be fair and proper thing to do. To not make an effort to do this seems like a combination of sloppy business and disrespect towards backers.

If reports from all the people - all those people who jumped on the bandwagon after I did - who already have received their hoppers are any indication, I'll probably end up loving mine and forgiving all once I have it in hand. But I'll tell you one thing: I would not invest in this company...again.


Well-Known Member
Maybe each backer didn't get assigned a sequential number, and I can understand that, but it does say right on the GH site the date and time of my order. So they obviously know that I'm one of their first backers.

Yes, I know they didn't promise to ship in chronological order of when they received the "orders". But this should be a given, shouldn't it? It seems like this would be fair and proper thing to do. To not make an effort to do this seems like a combination of sloppy business and disrespect towards backers.

If reports from all the people - all those people who jumped on the bandwagon after I did - who already have received their hoppers are any indication, I'll probably end up loving mine and forgiving all once I have it in hand. But I'll tell you one thing: I would not invest in this company...again.
I dunno, that last email from Trevor indicated they knew the order and plan to follow it. My impression is the 100 Holiday Backers are first, and after the last round of notices #40 has had address confirmed but still no shipping notice. Yes it's frustrating, but maybe it helps to know that most everyone is in the same boat? Shipping has barely begun.


Well-Known Member
Am I jumping the gun then? Have ANY backers received their units? Or is it only holiday backers and pre-Nov. 15, 2013 early birds? Scanning this thread and the official GH thread, it looks like random backers from the Indigogo campaign have been getting them too. Or am I mistaken?
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Well-Known Member
Maybe each backer didn't get assigned a sequential number, and I can understand that, but it does say right on the GH site the date and time of my order. So they obviously know that I'm one of their first backers.

Yes, I know they didn't promise to ship in chronological order of when they received the "orders". But this should be a given, shouldn't it? It seems like this would be fair and proper thing to do. To not make an effort to do this seems like a combination of sloppy business and disrespect towards backers.

If reports from all the people - all those people who jumped on the bandwagon after I did - who already have received their hoppers are any indication, I'll probably end up loving mine and forgiving all once I have it in hand. But I'll tell you one thing: I would not invest in this company...again.
just fyi: it seems that we ALL miraculously backed the project at exactly 4pm on our respective days. Dec 11, 2013 here :uhh:


Scanning this thread and the official GH thread, it looks like random backers from the Indigogo campaign have been getting them too.
Did they introduce TI later or was Ti an option at the start? It's all a blur at this point and I'm too lazy to check and also medicated. If so, I think it's possible that some regular TI backers have dates in earlier than some of the early bird discount contributions? Not clear on this.
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Level 30 Nature/Healer
Was hoping I would have been on the first half but clearly they will still be shipping early and holidays until mid August if not later.


Well-Known Member
I posted the first part of this before, but now see edit #2.

"Emailed them a couple times wondering if July date was going to stick. Got this reply today.


I see you are in the 2nd half of backer orders. This means you won't be shipping for a few weeks still. We are working hard on delivery but assembly has gone slower than we anticipated. Hang in there.



FYI - Order ID: XXXXX Dec. 3, 2013, 4 p.m

EDIT - ordered (2) titanium version.

EDIT #2. Just got an update from Trevor

It looks like you are in the 2nd half of backer orders and may be bumped into August. We are working hard to get this to you as soon as possible but assembly has gone a bit slower than we had hoped.




Well-Known Member
just fyi: it seems that we ALL miraculously backed the project at exactly 4pm on our respective days. Dec 11, 2013 here :uhh:
I have the exact same date and time on my order. I'm hoping for an address confirmation email within the next 2 weeks.
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Well-Known Member
I posted the first part of this before, but now see edit #2.

"Emailed them a couple times wondering if July date was going to stick. Got this reply today.


I see you are in the 2nd half of backer orders. This means you won't be shipping for a few weeks still. We are working hard on delivery but assembly has gone slower than we anticipated. Hang in there.



FYI - Order ID: XXXXX Dec. 3, 2013, 4 p.m

EDIT - ordered (2) titanium version.

EDIT #2. Just got an update from Trevor

It looks like you are in the 2nd half of backer orders and may be bumped into August. We are working hard to get this to you as soon as possible but assembly has gone a bit slower than we had hoped.


Ha ha ha "a bit slower"! I'm fine w/ waiting (Dec 3 Backer) but i hate parsing their bit/couple/few/soon style. So thank you for posting this, cause each little glimmer of reality helps me push my expectations away for an easier unknowable wait (hope they've learning a valuable lesson in beta scheduling :uhh:).


Well-Known Member
You're welcome. This wasn't me, BTW, I'm just copying it from someone on reddit. I'm not even sure why Trevor wrote back a second time- the first response pretty much meant August anyway.


Well-Known Member
EDIT #2. Just got an update from Trevor

It looks like you are in the 2nd half of backer orders and may be bumped into August. We are working hard to get this to you as soon as possible but assembly has gone a bit slower than we had hoped.



So since I'm a first day backer, it's safe to assume I'm in the first half of the backer orders. Which would mean I am still on track for a July ship date, based on Trevor's comment above. But as of today, I haven't received an address confirmation email. So WTF?


Well-Known Member
Anything can happen, but if you haven't gotten the shipping confirmation email yet, it's getting doubtful yours will actually ship by the end of the month. Some people have had theirs shipped pretty quickly after the first email, I've read of others who confirmed their email and are still waiting to hear about shipping a week later.

Have ANY non holiday, non early bird, backers even gotten the address confirmation email at this point?
Or are they still working on getting out the 250 units from those two groups?


Future ruler of earth
Anything can happen, but if you haven't gotten the shipping confirmation email yet, it's getting doubtful yours will actually ship by the end of the month. Some people have had theirs shipped pretty quickly after the first email, I've read of others who confirmed their email and are still waiting to hear about shipping a week later.

Have ANY non holiday, non early bird, backers even gotten the address confirmation email at this point?
Or are they still working on getting out the 250 units from those two groups?

Wild guess but good one, I am pretty sure they are working on the first 250 units probably first.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone is aware now that your time of order/order number doesnt define your delivery . I do remember someone mentioning that they had trouble with the backer data that was parsed from Indigeogo. Im hoping theyve sorted it by surname :D


Well-Known Member
Trevor's response seems to indicate that it does though- not in exact correlation, but at least in two groups- early backers and later backers.

At least that's what I took it to mean- maybe he doesn't mean that at all, and it simply means that they just split all the backers into two groups,either randomly are on some other basis that we are unaware of.
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Well-Known Member

I'm about to have jump off this crazy grasshopper train. I have great respect for all of you who were holiday/backers. This next update will be key for the hopper labs to keep my money.
I have until late September before the date that I could get my money back from Paypal passes. Mine is now slated for August, and if I haven't gotten mine by then and they are still having seemingly a lot of issues and zero information about the delays forthcoming I'll probably cancel mine
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