Not sure why people are so caught up with what I'm doing?
fuck the system and its supporters
Fuck 'em! If they persist tell them you're following a prescribed pain-management protocol that's none of their fucking business. It doesn't matter if it's self-prescribed mmj, or doctor-prescribed vicodinNot sure why people are so caught up with what I'm doing?
Fuck drones!What's wrong with some people - maybe ignorance. FUCK YOU!
Phelan, California (CNN)Of all the elements they must battle in a wildfire, firefighters face a new foe: drones operated by enthusiasts who presumably take close-up video of the disaster.
Five such "unmanned aircraft systems" prevented California firefighters from dispatching helicopters with water buckets for up to 20 minutes over a wildfire that roared Friday onto a Los Angeles area freeway that leads to Las Vegas.
Helicopters couldn't drop water because five drones hovered over the blaze, creating hazards in smoky winds for a deadly midair disaster, officials said.
Motorists Flee as Wildfire Races Across California Freeway
FUCK THE POLICE and the SHITTY COP who gave me a ticket!His ass was basically tailgaiting me while I was doing 70 in the fast lane. I speed up so I can pass the car to the right of me and get out of his way because he seemed in a hurry. But instead of going on by, this SOB pulls me over and gives me a ticket for speeding.
Fuck coming to the fuck you thread to say what's fucked, and it gets fucking deleteFUCK! Haha
sorry mate had to report it because it was kind of rude and made me uncomfortable.
joking lol
Oh goodness! I didn't see the bottom till I quoted it, I was very offended by an Aussie being offended over what I assume was either the C word or her Oprahness. Just for good measure, fuck offence and fuck censorship
As for your name I'd have to disagree. More of a vaked, sometimeeessss fried sorta guyhaha.
Do it! Fuck that fool lolFuck the inventor of fucking leafblowers...
Nothing but fucking toys for little boys, that never fucking grew up, if the fucking asshole outside right now had used a broom he'd be done half an hour ago...
Motherfucker...trying to enjoy my 'relax'-time here, hard to do with a fucker trying to blow every little fucking twig in a fucking pile...
I'm about to start fucking shouting things at the motherfucker!
Fuck that, nobody tells me what to fucking do!Do it! Fuck that fool lol
Mmmm had myself a nice fry up tonight, we all know how good some vapour is after that!Yeah we have a saying in a Australia call your enemy a mate and call your mate a c^@/@/#€÷&÷*_;÷#_. Takes a far bit to offend a true blue Aussie.
vaked fried all the same brother as long as I'm floating any name goes lol