I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...
Hey @NorVape,So, I've experienced the first wear and tear off my VM. I've been noticing the bowl getting looser, and less attached to the airtubes. Early on I understood this to be the result of my rather extensive hash vaping. All this hash is very good, but not full melt. It makes the Vapman dirtier and stickier, and more screens affect how the middle part fits the bowl and all these things. Not to mention all the high heat! Sometimes my screens don't come of that easy, and in certain states one is unable to handle it as one should haha.
Anyways, at this point I already had realized I would buy more than one Vapman in my life, so I started to treat this one as an experiment. Not mistreating it, but testing it's limits with in the safe boundaries of our loving relationship
I've tried several techniques of using the screens, and also several techs to get the screens in and out of the Vap it self. Most of them put more stress on the Vapman than cleaning out some herb would, because it involves some form of movement and force, however subtle.
Keep in mind, my use of the Vapman as a hash vape is not normal for most people, so most won´t have to think to much of it, but if possible be gentle when putting the screen in, and especially when getting the screen out of the Vapman.
Because, about an hour ago... My bowl broke of.
I knew the moment was coming, but that couldn´t prepare me for the feeling. I immediately went into Stoner McGyver Mode, but before I went full flex mr fixit I thought: "What if it just snaps back on?"
It did.
This vape is ingenious!![]()
I don't know about why it's difficult to put the screen in, but I would thing that if you take them out right at session end, when the Vapman is still warm, the screen should come out without sticking?
I don't know your exact situation though.