Frederick McGuire
Aggressively Loungey
Anything ordered for the next week or 2 isn't gonna ship out soon anyway, so if I were you I'd wait to see some reports on how the mini pillar functions before you jump on it.I like the mini pillar and am seriously considering it as well as the Ys003
seems like just the ticket for my yearly glass splurge...
I've got one on the way, managed to grab one before the cny shipping deadline

I'd also be a bit careful of the ys003, I still don't think Steven has produced a working prototype yet.
It doesn't seem that hard to just put some damn slits on the perc, but it hasn't happened yet

I'm sure he'll end up with a nicely functioning item once it's finalised, but that model has had some issues to date.
If you're into dabbing, imo you should strongly reconsider the fc710...
It's pretty awesome.