Well-Known Member
They just got them in today. I only know this because I emailed about getting one and they just replied that they have come in and they can ship me one out today so your stuff should be enroute today id imagine.
I just purchased the Dnail analog but is on back order.
D-HEATER-KV-REG-20 D-Nail Standard Coil Heater (20mm)
1 $90.00 $90.00
HIVE-NAIL-V1-20 D-Nail Compatible Hive Ceramic Nail (20mm)
1 $90.00 $90.00
HIVE-CARBCAP Hive Ceramics Carb Cap with Stinger
1 $55.00 $55.00
D-CONTROL-ANA-V2-CONTROLONLY NEW D-Nail Analog Essential Oil Vaporizer (Controller ONLY)
1 $70.00 $70.00
If I use a temperature gun up to 915f, do you guys think this will be a good setup? I want to dab in 6-700 range. I just bought mighty and minivap, so didn't want to dish out another $700-1000 dollars for a digital enail.
Let me forewarn you about an issue I had. Make sure whatever you do that the carb cap isnt touching the coil. It will cause huge temperature drops and the coil will start to heat and then when you pull the cap, the temp will jump 75-100 degrees.
What I ended up with, because it was all I could find that would work, was the HE UniTi cap. It fits the cup nicely and doesnt drop down below it and contact the coil. I did look at a couple of ceramics that would probably have worked but none of them had a real tight fight like the HE did.
Couple of tips for the Auber flat coils...
I never needed to changed my PID settings as it was already done for me. I assume this may be the same for others if you buy the unit with a flat coil at the same time. I think you may only need to change it if you had the unit ship with a barrel coil originally and therefore the PID values would need to be changed.
Also if your coil is too tight, you can unwind them with a flat head screwdriver. Just put the head into the centre hole and twist until you unwind the coil slightly. I needed to do this to make the coil fit my ceramic nail.
I am loving my unit, such a pleasure to use.
After much more testing I have settled on 1.20 for the coil/nail heater compensation. This seems to give the most accurate results using both my k-type probe thermometer and my infra red![]()
this also has to do with the quality of your PID. on my nail I can put the carb cap on the coil all day and not get a drop of more than 5 degrees. doesn't matter if it's Boro, quartz, or ti. it has to do with how long the PID takes to recognize the coil is losing temp, then how long it takes the PID to adjust to this temp drop.
@PoopMachine -- Nice!!!
Tracking info changed also, it's on it's way!!!
Well it takes a bit of practice, but hover your gun about an inch above, directly over the nail, ignore the laser pointer, but concentrate on getting the large sensor hole directly over the centre of the nail. This gives me results in the region of 680-740 when the unit is set to 710 with the compensation at 1.20.I bought a type K thermocouple and an infrared gun and Ive yet to get any numbers that are even in the ballpark to what I expect to see. What are you seeing on the nail with your infrared?
You around St Pete/Clearwater?
Yes I have and very cool place.I was up that way the weekend before Christmas. Visiting Big Cat Rescue. http://bigcatrescue.org
Such a cool place. @Silver420Surfer have you ever been? It's in your neck of the woods.