Hi guys, my Hammer is out of working since, after a refill (Newport), it started to work nice 10s and the butane start to get problems to go out I think....I tried to purge it but now there is no more gaz going out when I press the button...?(except a sort of little gurgle)
I purged it every 3 or 4 refills (I think....), is it enough?
Can I purge it through the filling valve...? but I think it doesn't help my hammer to work again, isn't it? (since the issue seems to come from the other valve where you can choose your heating level...)
Before to stop to go out the butane was still going out (a bit...) when the button was depressed....?
Please help!
Edit: there is still lot of gaz in the hammer!
Sorry to hear about youre dilemna.It can be an anxious time no doubt.the forum will help all we can and if not head tools would be pleased to help.hammer service have been really helpful ironing issues out for me with movement in my hammer heater tube.thanks
@Head Tools
I would advise firstly emptying the newport gas out and try a different premium brand of butane.I had been using newport triple filtered ( white can) on recommendation from a fellow forum member.I bought 4 cans of the stuff that was end of line stock that im stuck with.Hey its cool,i ll find good use for it..Newport ruined most of my torches but,albeit only temporary.symptons using newport in my torches ,hammer and iolite after initially a good start were spluttering, dodgy changing flame and regular lighter cutout especially when held at right angles etc.bad ignition issues with both Hammer & Iolite.
My solution was to find a different premium brand of butane and empty all my lighters of newport and refill with better fuel .In my case it was double filtered Ventti.Love the stuff so far.Now i have a steady hot flame at any angle in all my torches and instant steady heat with my hammer and iolite again.
No gas hiss may mean a blockage in your hammer gas line,but I bet it is more than likely newport butane affecting things.Good butane has revitalised my hammer & my entire lighter selection,which is around a dozen torches now

damn is that LAS.
took me a long time to find good butane.it eventually showed up after I had tried several different average brands.
Good luck with getting your hammer back on track.