I've been a lurker here for a little while. I am a 50-something that has been reacquainted with an old lost love - MJ.
And there has been an awful lot to learn about weed having been on hiatus for the last 25 years. Vaporizing weed was one of the new learning curves. I got a PAX, which my wife and I both use, although she's had problems recently with bronchitis and the vaporizer seems to make it worse. While doing some googling and research I ran across a couple reports of people eating their vaporized weed and getting good results from it.
The weed I've been vaporizing has been quite good bud from medicinal suppliers. I saved the remains of three vaporizer packs with it and ordered some 00 gel caps from Amazon at about 12 bucks for a thousand. When I vape, I grind with the flite-box finish grinder, so the vape contents are pretty finely powdered. I scooped up the remains into the capsules and ended up filling 5 capsules with enough left over for probably one more. Figure 2 capsules per spent load of AVB in the Pax.
So my wife played guinea pig and ate the 5 capsules. I'd read that one must be careful not to eat too much because getting too high wasn't a very nice experience, but since the weed had already been vaporizeded and since I wasn't mixing it with oil or cooking it or doing anything but loading some gel-caps to get it right on down, we were hoping there might be some medicinal effect. If not, we hadn't really lost anything.
An hour into it and she said she was feeling pretty good, but couldn't tell if she was just in good spirits or if the capsules were having some effect. An hour and a half into it and she was quite giggly and happy and couldn't focus but wanted to do something creative and set up to do some water color painting. That was about as far as she got with that before she told me that she was feeling really, REALLY stoned. Within a couple minutes, the munchies set in and she was surfing the counters and cabinets for something to stuff in her mouth. I shared some Jack's links that I had laying around and she had some chips while we scrapped plans to make dinner and just fired up the oven for a frozen pizza.
By the time the pizza was done, 30 minutes later, she was totally couch locked and damned near immobile. She ate all but the last piece of the pizza. At that point, she mumbled something with half closed eyes about being really high and that it didn't feel good. The next 6 hours were, according to my wife, a very unpleasant experience. She said she felt like she might forget to breathe and die. She felt like we watched 8 different movies with only 8 frames of each movie showing and she couldn't keep track of anything going on and couldn't move. Basically, she ended up damned near catatonic drifting out to sleep only briefly a few times but never being really "conscious" in any sense of the word I can think of. She was barely responsive and even her facial muscles weren't moving.
So after that, we talked about it a good bit and here's the fallout.
1. If that had been her first experience, she would be VERY put off by the idea of ever trying marijuana again.
2. She'll wait a few days before giving it another go and next time, she'll try ONE capsule instead of the 5. It's way, WAY better to err on the side of caution here.
3. She has a pretty low resistance, so it might have just been one hell of an awesome high for someone with a very high tolerance but the warning about erring on the side of caution still seems to be paramount. The stuff won't kill you but it can sure take you well beyond your comfort zone.
4. ABV might be more potent if it's been merged with oil based products like butter or coconut oil but it's damned potent just eating it straight.
5. The capsules were a great idea because they made it easy, fast and I think the dosing is a lot easier that way. At least in theory it seems easier to dose by capsule than by figuring out how strong the cannabutter and cooked goodies end up being. They're compact and probably will store damned near indefinitely since the ABV is cooked and dried.
6. I'll definitely be recycling my vaped weed from now on. I can't believe how much I've thrown out over the last 4 months. I kick myself a little bit every time I think of it.
7. I'll repeat the part about erring on the side of caution. I have never done edibles and only have gone on my own experience as a former hardcore stoner, i.e. you can't get too high. I've re-evaluated that little tidbit of "wisdom" after last night.
Anyway, that's the experience and though I'd share it with you guys. It's the least I can do for all the good information I've scoured from these forums.

The weed I've been vaporizing has been quite good bud from medicinal suppliers. I saved the remains of three vaporizer packs with it and ordered some 00 gel caps from Amazon at about 12 bucks for a thousand. When I vape, I grind with the flite-box finish grinder, so the vape contents are pretty finely powdered. I scooped up the remains into the capsules and ended up filling 5 capsules with enough left over for probably one more. Figure 2 capsules per spent load of AVB in the Pax.
So my wife played guinea pig and ate the 5 capsules. I'd read that one must be careful not to eat too much because getting too high wasn't a very nice experience, but since the weed had already been vaporizeded and since I wasn't mixing it with oil or cooking it or doing anything but loading some gel-caps to get it right on down, we were hoping there might be some medicinal effect. If not, we hadn't really lost anything.
An hour into it and she said she was feeling pretty good, but couldn't tell if she was just in good spirits or if the capsules were having some effect. An hour and a half into it and she was quite giggly and happy and couldn't focus but wanted to do something creative and set up to do some water color painting. That was about as far as she got with that before she told me that she was feeling really, REALLY stoned. Within a couple minutes, the munchies set in and she was surfing the counters and cabinets for something to stuff in her mouth. I shared some Jack's links that I had laying around and she had some chips while we scrapped plans to make dinner and just fired up the oven for a frozen pizza.
By the time the pizza was done, 30 minutes later, she was totally couch locked and damned near immobile. She ate all but the last piece of the pizza. At that point, she mumbled something with half closed eyes about being really high and that it didn't feel good. The next 6 hours were, according to my wife, a very unpleasant experience. She said she felt like she might forget to breathe and die. She felt like we watched 8 different movies with only 8 frames of each movie showing and she couldn't keep track of anything going on and couldn't move. Basically, she ended up damned near catatonic drifting out to sleep only briefly a few times but never being really "conscious" in any sense of the word I can think of. She was barely responsive and even her facial muscles weren't moving.
So after that, we talked about it a good bit and here's the fallout.
1. If that had been her first experience, she would be VERY put off by the idea of ever trying marijuana again.
2. She'll wait a few days before giving it another go and next time, she'll try ONE capsule instead of the 5. It's way, WAY better to err on the side of caution here.
3. She has a pretty low resistance, so it might have just been one hell of an awesome high for someone with a very high tolerance but the warning about erring on the side of caution still seems to be paramount. The stuff won't kill you but it can sure take you well beyond your comfort zone.
4. ABV might be more potent if it's been merged with oil based products like butter or coconut oil but it's damned potent just eating it straight.
5. The capsules were a great idea because they made it easy, fast and I think the dosing is a lot easier that way. At least in theory it seems easier to dose by capsule than by figuring out how strong the cannabutter and cooked goodies end up being. They're compact and probably will store damned near indefinitely since the ABV is cooked and dried.
6. I'll definitely be recycling my vaped weed from now on. I can't believe how much I've thrown out over the last 4 months. I kick myself a little bit every time I think of it.
7. I'll repeat the part about erring on the side of caution. I have never done edibles and only have gone on my own experience as a former hardcore stoner, i.e. you can't get too high. I've re-evaluated that little tidbit of "wisdom" after last night.
Anyway, that's the experience and though I'd share it with you guys. It's the least I can do for all the good information I've scoured from these forums.
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