I go where the thrills are
Couple of observations:
1. I'm needing to clean this at least every 2 chambers.
2. For whatever reason, I'm not finding cleaning this unit as easy as I wished because you not only have to clear the chamber but also the window and pathways to clear away debris.
3. I def need to go with a medium grind. My grind must be to fine because between 1 and 2 above I am getting some debris in my mouth even though I am drawing slowly and not to strong.
4. I am getting about 4-5 inhalations per chamber each of which are cool, smooth and flavorful. Can't seem to manage anything beyond 5 tokes.
Besides the medium grind approach, you should also try the dry cloth cleaning method. Get a micro fiber cloth and use it to wipe down the lid and main surfaces. Clears the debris quickly between bowls.
I tend to go for 4-5 inhalations and then change out the bowl when vapor production goes down.
Not sure why some folks get so few hits. I get at least 12-15 really tasty hits, then another 5 plus not as tasty. And can still extract two more large hits from the ABV in my V Tower desktop unit.
One last piece of advice for noobs to convection like me. Don't overly rely on the glow to be your visual cue. Let flavor be your guide. It was recommended that I try closing my eyes and focus on a slow, steady draw and focus on the flavor. I think this is really good advice and look forward to trying this next session!
Yes, as stated many times, helps to hit the button for a four count, draw while holding, release mid-hit, keep inhaling for another 10 seconds. Visualize *coaxing* the vapor out of the material. Seems to help me. Kinda weird and zen, I know.

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