Zephyr Ion


Cannabis Enthusiast
Does anyone know how to keep the washer from falling out that seals the basket to the lid? Its free of debris bit every time I open the lid it falls out and sometimes halfway through filling a bag it will pop out a little and leak. If it weren't for that it would be amazing


Vapor concierge
I'm using my Ion tonight and having fun with it. My first bag was at 195C and I ran four total ending at 220C. Then I went and grabbed my bag of duff (mostly from the Cloud on noon) and ran a 2/3 full basket through it twice. Both bags were impressive and effective and got the duff noticeably darker, so I threw it out. I now have a usable routine for my duff...nitey nite!

The first bag tasted lame. As max has said forever...bags mix the bad taste with the good, yielding lame taste. But this unit has always impressed me with its temp control. Every time I start at 190 and end at 220 there is a very noticeable difference in the effect. I always get a nice sativa type high with the lower temp bags. And it heats up really quickly.
Sorry to pollute this thread with newbie questions, but I just got a used Zephyr and am having trouble with the valve system. I have attached a bag as shown in a youtube video, but I seem to be having leaks through the valve itself - not where the bag is attached, but where the valve is opened. If I fill the bag with air completely, open the valve and blow through it, the air is clearly escaping through the valve-button, not around the collar of the bag. Am I an idiot, is this a defective valve system, is this inexplicable brown gasket that came with supposed to be on the mouthpiece somewhere?

Edit: gasket not being installed was the issue, thank you Sticks.

So far my first impressions are that the vapor quality seems very reasonable, that it's a huge hunk of vaporizer, that the cord is too short, and that I like the whole basket system for its sheer convenience. I don't like how being off still means a big red light remaining on, but that's a nitpick. The pump is significantly faster than my Q or HA 2.2.


Vapor concierge
I couldn't agree more, cds. I've been using mine a little bit lately and really didn't like the taste. But what do you expect...it was my first bag since many months of using the Cloud, LSV and VAP2. I just finished using it with some eucalyptus I got form vapeworld for the first time. It's the only working digital vape I have at the moment so I went with this and even attached a whip to it at one point.

The big red light is an issue for me due to stealth...I unplug it when not in use. I was thinking this morning about how big it was as well, but my cord is plenty long. The basket system is very easy to use...just scoop it up, but I don't think it lends itself to efficiency (that statement made entirely without any factual basis whatsoever).

I do see myself using it more, however, as I start to play with some of the other herbs I've gotten.


Well-Known Member
sup all? :wave:

Have not been on here forever...it is good to see the ole Zephyr thread is still kicking. Hell I think I will blow the dust off mine, my lungs could sure use the break :spliff:


New Member
So what is the general consensus on best whip for this machine? My homemade whip is so good I want something fancy professional looking to feel fancy and professional :D


New Member
So what is the general consensus on best whip for this machine? My homemade whip is so good I want something fancy professional looking to feel fancy and professional :D

I know doubleposting is a nono but I just tried calling zephyr vaporizers hotline number and it went to the voicemail redirect after ringing for quite some time, I didnt really want to leave a voicemail for a simple matter like this. I noticed the site hasnt been updated for awhile and Bruce hasnt been online here for quite some time it appears.

So what whip works best with this vape? I NEED TO KNOW!

OK so 5 minutes later zephyr returns my call! they said in about a year they would have their own whip but its really kinda up in the air right now. I was recommended to use the vaporbox standard delux whip for now.

I really gotta give these guys an A+ all alround, this is the only thing that is as good if not better than the volcano. <3 it
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New Member
My good friend just won a Zephyr Ion in a giveway! so awesome, lol people almost had me convinced that all the giveaways were just for your contact info and were bunk! I won the runner-up $200 off coupon but I already have a perfectly good Ion so I have no use for it.

My ZephyrIon is still running strong for being my daily driver, I absolutely love it. I also got a surprise package from zephyrion with some company shirts and these beautiful posters. The handwritten note said they were low on stickers so I got one big nice sticker and 3 shirts and 7 posters lol. I also got 10 clear zephyrvaporizer stickers in the mail from them the day before which I thought was above and beyond niceness.

I truely think the zephyr Ion is one of the best on the market and it is my personal favorite. The staff behind the team is so awesome too. Me and my buddy (not sure of his FC name yet) will make a 2 person in depth zephyr ion vs LSV comparison and review. If you want to make the car analogy they are both fancy nice pussy magnet cars. Also lots of pics, IMO zephyr ion has like hardly any great videos or pics so ill do my part and make em!

reddit ent - over and out


Well-Known Member
Me and my buddy (not sure of his FC name yet) will make a 2 person in depth zephyr ion vs LSV comparison and review.

I've had both, but in my opinion, a Zephyr verses LSV comparison would be like trying to compare a luxury yacht to a Lamborghini. They'll both get you from point A to point B, but in two totally different ways.

Me..............I would MUCH rather be hitting the road in a Lambo.


Well-Known Member
I've had both, but in my opinion, a Zephyr verses LSV comparison would be like trying to compare a luxury yacht to a Lamborghini. They'll both get you from point A to point B, but in two totally different ways.

Me..............I would MUCH rather be hitting the road in a Lambo.
Which one is the Lamborghini?

Personally I've tried many different vapes. I used to be a little against bags, but they really are quite portable and I prefer them now. I also like direct draw vapes, but whips I don't really love at the moment. To each his own.


Well-Known Member
Which one is the Lamborghini?

For me, it's the LSV.

The Zephyr, or any bag vape for that matter, in my opinion, is a much more laid back experience that is almost devoid of user error which is the antithesis of driving a Lambo, or using an LSV.


Well-Known Member
For me, it's the LSV.

The Zephyr, or any bag vape for that matter, in my opinion, is a much more laid back experience that is almost devoid of user error which is the antithesis of driving a Lambo, or using an LSV.

Just out of curiosity, why would I/you want to introduce a source of user error?
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