My username is the title of a song from Steven Wilson's Grace for Drowning:
That was an especially nice listen! Thank you very much!
Although definitely styled differently than Kintaro, there are transitions and nuances that are similar in many ways.
I definitely like it and again, thank you for sharing it.
I've been dubbed the "Android" at work because it seems like no matter the time of day, I'm logged in to my system and servers at work.
"Dan", because it sounds inconspicuous enough as well as setting up a pun, rather poor one, on the name "Dan Akroyd".
When I first joined, not that long ago, my Avatar was an image of the wood trim in my car as it and the style trim on a vape I am getting are the same, Burled Walnut.
How can one NOT buy a vape when it is trimmed out the same as one's car?
Anyhoo, I've since replaced it with an image of the hood medallion on my car, my bai-by!
... my wife and I feel a strong connection to Maui.
If you ever run into the owners of Ocean Vodka who live on Maui and distill their vodka there, tell them someone from Japan with blue eyes says, "hey"!
Here's a (close to five year old) clip for those who are interested in hearing a bit of what I'm about.
You could soooo rock a double bass pedal. Do you have one but didn't use it in the vid or have you not tried one? If you haven't, you should!
If you look closely, you'll notice it's not a palm tree any more.
I'm sure I have no idea of what you are eluding to.