Nope, disagree with you. The thermo dynamics of Quartz transfers heat much quicker and dissipates or cools quicker. TI retains heat and cools slower. That is why if you over heat a quartz nail it can cause combustion while its much rarer for a TI nail to do that.
Bet you $100

I studied this in my Masters - Electrical engineering and cooling of silicon devices. All are coated with quartz to protect the wafer. Silicon/Quartz transfers heat much quicker than metal especially TI.
My morning... D-Nail, coffee and my Surface Pad..
You may dislike the connector, but it was chosen for reliability from insertions (per them). Yes its big, but technically one of the best, only LARGE. They have a newer one with a smaller connector for those which prefer that, but I chose this one because of the reliability. The highest electrical failure rate will be that connector (right after the heater of course since its a wear item - it will fail at some point).
If you are going to compare them, please be complete and correct. I hate agenda’s and being its from your friend please be fair and don’t spin the data. To me have a clear agenda. That’s unfair if you are not complete.
I have no vested interest in D-Nail verses anything else...