VaporReviewBlog's Underdog Giveway Picture Contest


On the Stoop
This is Lulu Larue, she was pulled from the shelter yesterday and is now in foster care until she's old enough to be adopted. We never let her feet hit the ground today at the Howloween parade and adoption festival at one of the city parks because she's too young, but couldn't leave her at home alone either lol
Remember to adopt your next pet from your local shelter or rescue group :tup:


Well-Known Member

His head is ginormous so part of the name got cut off but he's my jug head.

He's a true underdog, I received him when he was less than 8 weeks old and had already been through at least 4 known families, he also had parvo. 5 years later and he's healthy as a horse.

My words to underdog, "underdogs free the dog inside all of us".
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Happy Hairy Herbal Faerie

Sorry about the huge image. Vee is my best friend and while he is technically a kitty, he has all the love and loyalty of a rescued lost dog. When he came to us he was scuffed, abandoned, and unloved; a true underdog. He became my personal life coach, and while I haven't napped this much since pre-school, I feel less fatigue-pain from the fibro when we rest. He's not glaring at the camera, he just took a sip and he's holding his vapor in.
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Well-Known Member
So for everyone excited about the drawing and anxious to see the winner...

I will be doing a Live Drawing on November 1st on


Dammit S1N3 the drawing just has to be during the middle of class. Streaming that will not be conducive to my learning... but who am I kidding? I don't give a shit about environmental microeconomics anyways. I may just have to be naughty and get vaped up for the occasion.

I think the live drawing is great, this contest is much appreciated :wave:


Well-Known Member
Great Dane? Beautiful pup! :)

Yup! He's blue. :) and a sweetheart.

By the way, @underdog , my first Pup is now residing with a smoking friend who has been terminally ill for many years. My UD was his first vaping experience and he loved it. So thanks for helping make that conversion possible! :)

Edited to add: The UD is the plug-in vape I recommend to everyone I talk to about mmj (and I seem to talk to a lot of people about that these days). It truly is one of the best starter vapes out there!
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Frequently up in space with Bowie
Unfortunately I'm not qualified to enter this competition but good luck to everyone that has entered, I'm loving the photos. From what I've heard about these vapes the winner will have a great prize so I'll certainly be jealous of whoever that person ends up being.

Edit: I've got some fish but I'm guessing they don't count, I call discrimination against our piscine friends.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Unfortunately I'm not qualified to enter this competition but good luck to everyone that has entered, I'm loving the photos. From what I've heard about these vapes the winner will have a great prize so I'll certainly be jealous of whoever that person ends up being.

Edit: I've got some fish but I'm guessing they don't count, I call discrimination against our piscine friends.

Find a loaner pup or kitty! As long as they haven't entered the contest with someone else.


Tarzan @ KloudSociety
Dammit S1N3 the drawing just has to be during the middle of class. Streaming that will not be conducive to my learning... but who am I kidding? I don't give a shit about environmental microeconomics anyways. I may just have to be naughty and get vaped up for the occasion.

I think the live drawing is great, this contest is much appreciated :wave:

We've got an app for that...

  1. iOS:
  2. Android:

Thanks for the interest, anyone else who may be wondering here is the link for the drawing no DL required for PC users:


shade-tree vapor engineer
Yup! He's blue. :) and a sweetheart.

By the way, @underdog , my first Pup is now residing with a smoking friend who has been terminally ill for many years. My UD was his first vaping experience and he loved it. So thanks for helping make that conversion possible! :)

Edited to add: The UD is the plug-in vape I recommend to everyone I talk to about mmj (and I seem to talk to a lot of people about that these days). It truly is one of the best starter vapes out there!

GDs are one of my favorites.. and blue to boot, doesn't get much better than that.

Glad to hear your first Pup is working for your friend, a working Dog is a happy Dog. :cool:
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