I just wanted to chime in and say that while I have so far only tried two of the six atomizers I bought, both have worked (and both continue to work, LED and all, after weeks of hard usage). My friend has also tried two of her six atomizers, and both those worked (although one has an LED that doesn't work 99% of the time after the first day or so....but she doesn't care because that makes it her "stealth" atty).
I actually cleaned the atomizer that originally came with my BHOLT using the iso soak method. Basically, I filled a shallow dish with just enough isopropyl alcohol (91%...I really need to buy more 99%) to cover the very top little bit of the atomizer as it sat upside-down. I let it soak for a bit, kind of swirling the atty occasionally to get the oil off. I was pretty conservative because I was worried about breaking the atty (it was my only one at the time), so my main concern was simply getting the oil that had leaked over the wick and into the sides out. I didn't have any spillage down near the LED, so I kept that part of the atty well away from the iso. After a while, my atty was perfectly clean up top, where the spillage occurred. I did not attempt to fully clean my wick. After the soak, I rinsed the top of the atty in warm water (and accidentally got some near the LED). Then I blew the atty dry with a hair dryer on low. And...it still works (two weeks after the soak). LED and all. This suggests to me that it's at least possible to do a conservative soak. When my first atty gets so dirty that I no longer want to use it, maybe I will try a deep soak.
I have to say that I've had no problems with my BHOLT whatsoever, nor with my atomizers, and remain very pleased with this product. The customer service has also been awesome for me! My biggest complaint is what this beast is doing to my tolerance.

I also noticed that my second atomizer has stayed much cleaner than my first one, much longer, and that's entirely due to me having gotten a better feel for dab size. If you want to put a giant dab in there, you definitely run the risk of spillage. I've decided I'd rather load more often than get too messy.
Another tip: as you use the atomizer, your hits may get more wispy initially, as the air path sits directly beneath the wick, and oil can dry on there and restrict the airflow. If this happens, you just need to apply some heat. Usually it will unplug after only 2-3 seconds of steady inhaling, but occasionally I've had to lay on the button twice in a row to make it "snap" out my vapor. It was this phenomenon that inspired me to do the iso soak on my original atty. Once I did that (and fully charged my battery), the problem disappeared. So... a) it's totally normal and really doesn't affect the overall function, and b) a good cleaning (and more conservative dabs) can potentially resolve the issue, if it gets too bad.
I hope this helps some folks!