Dear FC friends and BHOLT owners! We apologize for not posting recently, we have been very busy preparing our full product lineup and brand new web page for our official launch.. coming very soon!
After the FC reviews and some R&D we have made a few changes to the BHOLT according to what
we learned from all the help and support that we received from the many BHOLT'ers who took part in the review special. Thank you friends for your help! Your requests and expectations have helped me tremendously in designing what the BHOLT is and always will be...USA Handmade, designed for simplicity, versatility, it ACTUALLY works... and all around just makes sense.
When I (Aaron, creator, builder and owner of BHOLT) first came up with the GONG atomizer, I originally designed it to be just used in a water pipe. It blew me away how well it worked. Although it was quite different.. the airflow was restricted a bit and has to be exactly what it is to produce the amount of vapor that does. Like a lot of things, you just have to get used to it. For the atomizer i tried to come up with a design that was durable yet disposable and easy to build for production. Similar to a light bulb, they just wear out and you have to replace them. This goes for the tube/mouthpiece as well.. also trying to keep the labor time down so that I can compete in price $$$ with all the Chinese built, big name brand vaporizers/pens on the market. This was challenging, but what I have now I hope will continue to please my customers, just the same as I like my product to please my friends and myself.
So for the changes to the BHOLT I have changed a few small things. The one complaint with the atomizer.. the rough edge on the glass has been eliminated.... this was caused from the method I used to cut the glass to size. The new production standard looks much better and I am hearing from my customers that it seems to work a bit better as well

The new design is 3/8 inch taller and the glass is not directly connected to the metal base, making it almost a tad flexible..this also eliminated the few crooked ones I would end up with from connecting the glass to the metal (tried not to send these out but every once in a while I would miss one).
BHOLT will be launching a new line of variable voltage batteries on our new web page along with a few top secret items we are working on, sure to blow our competition out of the water. BHOLT, the first GONG pen/torch nail dome destroyer will have yet another industry first, but you will have to stay tuned to to find out.
The release of our Product has been a lot of fun and us at BHOLT will continue to build and stand behind our product .. if we can do something to make BHOLT even better you can count on us to do so. we also plan on in the future building super custom "heddy" fully worked glass for the BHOLT but for now the production BHOLT will be sure to impress
Again thank you to everyone who has supported BHOLT, and if you have purchased a review unit with the old atomizer I would like to offer you the new design at a discount to try out.
We are also going to open up the review discount to our FC friends once again.
please contact us at for more info