The Picture Thread


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Tonight's Supermoon from my yard.

Same moon from our beach. Clearly you used a long lens while I was forced to use a wide-angle to get everything in. (Shot just before dawn, Lanai in the background.)
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Well-Known Member
@enchantre, yes! I'm quite in love with it :)
Please forgive my ignorance with plants...but are you saying that it doesn't like too much direct sun? Right now it's in the pot that you see it pictured in, on my front porch. There is one spot on my property along a fence (wooden, for looks) that is shaded by some trees...this doesn't see much if any direct sunlight, but plenty of indirect light. Otherwise, my options are one of three sides of my house...east/south/west.

I'm no pro, so any tips are welcome! Otherwise, from here on out I'll be doing some research to make sure I don't let this one go again!

I don't know anything about this plant in p[articular, but usually when it says somewhere a plant likes it's feet in the shadow, the plant itself can tolerate full sun just fine, but it either needs a ground/root/soil temperature that doesn't getr too high, or they are prone to drying out. so if you just keep the pot/lowest part of the plant shaded that will prevent the temperatyre there to skyrocket, and will prevent the soil drying out too quickly.

and a random googlepicture for 'plant' since this is the picturethread:
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