Hey FC'ers,
so far I really like my Cera LL, but I think I didn't get the entire hang of it!
I'm getting good vapor clouds and good taste and all, but I think I could get more hits out of one load after some more practice

In comparison to my Vaponic I got twice the hits out of half the amount and the ABV is more even than in my Cera! (til now)
But I'm sure practice will make the change
The Xtar VP1 is also really good. It charges the batteries reliable and safe!
The best thing about it is that you can check the battery charge every time while loading and if you're not sure how much juice they actually have while vaping, even though I found if I doubt the performance and put them in the charger to check it, they where at 3,6V- 3,7V and then just load them up to 4,2V

When they are fully charged the charger shows 4,2V and stops the process and after a while they are complete cold (you can leave them in the charger til you need them).
I'm using my 4 CGR18650CH's in circulation and think it works fine for me.
The 2 NCR18650PD's I got have a C-formed mark on the minus end, so I'm concerned to charge them:
Did someone have seen this before, OF? (sorry for the bad focus)
The mark isn't much deep, but I'm not sure if it will cause trouble?
BTW, this is the switch mod I'm currently using:
It's a rubber cap for bottles (grape juice/cider).
I cut off the little edge of it, put in a plastik stopper which press the button and had to punch in two tiny holes to avoid the vacuum when pull it off, works great!(and does not look much bad, as it has almost the same color as the O-rings)
I will make some more pics later, just have to charge the camera!
The silicone ring you can see on the mouthpiece cap is just a part from one of the thermal caps, which I cut off of it (I found it a bit tricky to get the thermal cap off, when it had the whole length, so I shortened it and this was the result- didn't really use the thermal cap til now), but this ring is good to keep you from burning your fingers when taking the mouthpiece cap off if its still hot
Another thing, that works good for me, is to use a screen to avoid debris falling through the holes in the heating chamber and maybe causing combustion(earlier dicussions), not sure if its necassary (just peace in my mind)

Pics come later, as I will also try different diameters of the screen.
Now I'm using one ultra fine on the buttom (from my Volcano, its specific for powdery stuff) and one not so fine on top of the load.
That keeps the load from lifting up and the hot air have to go through the load instead of circle around it.
I also tryed an open flow kind mouthpiece and got very good results in the first draw, much faster than with the original mouthpiece!

Maybe while the air has to go more direct through the load and get to vaping temperature sooner(just my thoughts).
I will experimenting with different mouthpieces to find what works best for ME (dont get me wrong, I like the original one too).
One thing on the end, this are just my personal subjective experiences, so dont take it too serious and make your own
Happy vaping