Onward Thru the Fog
I've been delighted with Pure Gold as my super stealth & easy travel medication. I'm also an e-cig user, so I'm familiar with all manner of atty's, carto's, drip tips, and henway's. In fact, after much experimenting, I've found a couple of carto's that I really love; they don't leak, they survive multiple trips in airplanes and through TSA, they hold around one mL, which is about 1.0 gram of PG, plenty to last me for a multiday, multicity business trip without refilling or carrying an extra PG ampule. They work fine with as small a PG load as 0.25g, with almost zero waste (maybe 0.05g). I really like this setup. When I'm home, if I want a 10% boost in taste, I'll use one of my ceramic based TET devices, but truth be known, using the carto on a VV spinner battery is so easy, and works so well, that I rarely bother anymore. Just talking about PG here, not the other myriad wonderful, flavorful
, there's only one carto that works well with the super thick Pure Gold. And although I like it, there's this other carto that I'd prefer to use with Pure Gold. It has a less restrictive draw, a nicer mouthpiece, and it's much sturdier, but it just doesn't work well with that thick a liquid. Now I'm used to mixing my different e-juices, to get the flavor I like, and I know about the difference in thickness between the VG and PG based e-juices (the PG e-juice is NOT a reference to Pure Gold, rather it's a reference to Propylene Glycol).
So I was wondering if I could mix the PG (Pure Gold) with something else to make it a little thinner. But I don't have much of a clue as to what to mix it with. I have no idea what Pure Gold is soluble in. Water? Propylene Glycol? 95% Ethanol? Any suggestions or thoughts would be much appreciated. (As I hate to waste $expensive$ Pure Gold trying to figure it out by experimentation, which is why I thought I'd ask first).

So I was wondering if I could mix the PG (Pure Gold) with something else to make it a little thinner. But I don't have much of a clue as to what to mix it with. I have no idea what Pure Gold is soluble in. Water? Propylene Glycol? 95% Ethanol? Any suggestions or thoughts would be much appreciated. (As I hate to waste $expensive$ Pure Gold trying to figure it out by experimentation, which is why I thought I'd ask first).