My new Pinnacle finished charging about an hour ago. Here are my first impressions:
Let me tell you why I'm so impressed with the Pinnacle. When I took it out of the box, what struck me first is how discreet the PN is. It has PINNACLE (sufficiently generic) etched into the plastic, but that's it. You would have to pick it up and look at it to even notice it. The PN feels good in the hand, is easily palmed, and fits in pants pockets nicely...although your GF or wifey may think you're happy to see her.
Now on to the good stuff. The initial charge took about an hour and a half. I loaded the bullet with dry, finely ground herb (MIDS) about 3/4 of the way to the top. The PN took about minute to get up to low temp. My first few clouds were small, but satisfying. As I progressed in my sesh, the clouds became bigger...and bigger. The PN turned off after about 10 minutes. I turned it back on and it was up to temp in seconds. I kept hitting and the Pinnacle kept fogging! I remember thinking, I can't believe I'm still getting hits. Then I turned it up to high, which took 10 seconds. Shit got real...real fast. Incredible, dense clouds that had me a good way. I hit the PN until it shut off again, and I still haven't finished the bullet! Right now, I am really, REALLY VAKED!
Obviously, I am completely happy with my purchase. If there is a negative, it's that the mouthpiece without the "tips" gets very warm. Other than that, I have yet to see any negatives. The airflow is open and easy...the trick is to use long, slow breaths. Pretty small learning curve for the PN. I found the two temperatures, low (370F 188C) and high (390F 199C) to be perfect. I must add that as a medical user, I prefer high temp vaping. I have Crohn's disease and the PN medicated me well, even on the low setting. Remember, temperature can be altered somewhat depending on draw speed.
The thing that really blows me away is how efficient the PN is. My first portable purchase was a Pax. The Pax is a fine vape, but IMHO, quite a hog. This led me to get a log vape, my beautiful UD, which is very efficient. My first impression is that the PN may even beat my UD in terms of efficiency. Time will tell. Long story short, the Pinnacle was SO worth the $183 (without the WT) I spent. Perfect vape for noobs and people who are concerned that the effects (especially medical users) of vaping cannabis are different from smoking. Highly recommend. Thank you, Vaporblunt. You hit a home run.