Hah! ... good guess ... but wrong ... the guitar dude has re-fretted my hollow body Gibson Custom though (ES-175 style) ... and did an awesome job fixing another potentially major issue at the same timeI know, I know, pick me pick me!
You're the guitar dude right?
Hah! ... good guess ... but wrong ...
Yeah ... discrete eh?Bah! Then you must be the guy whose names start with J and Cat. That was my second guess.
Guess which guest on the broadcast is me?
Look at the names more closelyGreen shirt, hat, shorts, pushing the baby on the swing?
Ha! Was definitely medicated ... I'm medicated all day every day from waking until sleeping. (I vaped about 15 min before they started shooting the video ... always the last thing I do before I leave the house). You'd be more likely to notice that I'm a little "off" if I'm not medicated ... I do after all use it to keep me more balanced. Thanks for the kind wordsMr. J... Cat....., yup, picked you out right off. Could not tell you were/are medicated. Well done, sir.
You didn't say the test required the ability to readLook at the names more closely... I'm maybe not who you would think I would be but the name gives it away
-- it's not that big of a stretch though.
Thanks. (To be honest ... I didn't even realize my name was actually typed on the screen when I first posted it ... I hadn't paid enough attention to notice that or had forgottenYou didn't say the test required the ability to readYou looked great
I know this is a double post ... but I felt this one deserved a post of it's own.
Just wanted to clarify my intentions a little by posting this here as well ... many people that know me do not know that I consume cannabis regularly and pretty much constantly. Do I care if most know? No I do not. Do I want negative repercussions due to my usage? No. Definitely not. Am I willing to hide and be marginalized and treated like a second class citizen or allow other people I know to suffer the same fate just because of their choice to use cannabis? No. Again. Definitely not.
All to often I find people are lumped in to a category of "pot heads" or stereotyped as being "lesser" members of society because they choose to use cannabis when in actual fact it is a more responsible choice than alcohol! (Although for the bulk of the population alcohol is fine for fun too). I don't accept this. Cannabis is a safer recreational alternative or at least a valid one and also is a valid medical alternative for many as opposed to many more harmful prescription medications. Many people like me choose to stay hidden in a closet about their cannabis usage and so do I to a degree (my wife would not like that I was posting this), but I have huge issues with this; it propagates the ongoing stigma around cannabis users as those that are in the public eye more often than not choose to keep their usage hidden for fear of the stigma associated.
I don't want to walk around waving a flag proclaiming that I smoke cannabis, but I also, if asked, will always speak up about my usage and how I feel it benefits me and hope to change some opinions (I've changed some already, I'm sure).
They edited that part outI would of liked it better had you blown out a fat plume of vapor at the end of your commentary.![]()
I know this is a double post ... but I felt this one deserved a post of it's own.
Just wanted to clarify my intentions a little by posting this here as well ... many people that know me do not know that I consume cannabis regularly and pretty much constantly. Do I care if most know? No I do not. Do I want negative repercussions due to my usage? No. Definitely not. Am I willing to hide and be marginalized and treated like a second class citizen or allow other people I know to suffer the same fate just because of their choice to use cannabis? No. Again. Definitely not.
All to often I find people are lumped in to a category of "pot heads" or stereotyped as being "lesser" members of society because they choose to use cannabis when in actual fact it is a more responsible choice than alcohol! (Although for the bulk of the population alcohol is fine for fun too). I don't accept this. Cannabis is a safer recreational alternative or at least a valid one and also is a valid medical alternative for many as opposed to many more harmful prescription medications. Many people like me choose to stay hidden in a closet about their cannabis usage and so do I to a degree (my wife would not like that I was posting this), but I have huge issues with this; it propagates the ongoing stigma around cannabis users as those that are in the public eye more often than not choose to keep their usage hidden for fear of the stigma associated.
I don't want to walk around waving a flag proclaiming that I smoke cannabis, but I also, if asked, will always speak up about my usage and how I feel it benefits me and hope to change some opinions (I've changed some already, I'm sure).
Hopefully she'll come around ... don't give up. Maybe after she cools down she will be able to think more clearly ... cannabis is NOT cocaine or heroin ... it's not even as significant of a drug as alcohol!Recently while visiting us from NY my sister learned that I am a user. Unfortunately the issue unraveled a major fight. She shares the same small minded opinion as most non users do and she told me that I might as well kill myself because I was obviously a drug addict and I should be ashamed of myself as a father, as a sibling, and as a husband.
After asking her to leave my home I felt necessary to run through 3 fully loaded ELB's in her honor! Saying that to me crushed me after loosing my 24 year old brother just 6 months ago - she watched me as I spoke in front of the crowded funeral and told everyone how you should never take ANYONE for granted.
I feel so obligated to share this as is truly saddens me how something helps me so much is looked at by other in such a despicable fashion.
I know this is a double post ... but I felt this one deserved a post of it's own.
Just wanted to clarify my intentions a little by posting this here as well ... many people that know me do not know that I consume cannabis regularly and pretty much constantly. Do I care if most know? No I do not. Do I want negative repercussions due to my usage? No. Definitely not. Am I willing to hide and be marginalized and treated like a second class citizen or allow other people I know to suffer the same fate just because of their choice to use cannabis? No. Again. Definitely not.
All to often I find people are lumped in to a category of "pot heads" or stereotyped as being "lesser" members of society because they choose to use cannabis when in actual fact it is a more responsible choice than alcohol! (Although for the bulk of the population alcohol is fine for fun too). I don't accept this. Cannabis is a safer recreational alternative or at least a valid one and also is a valid medical alternative for many as opposed to many more harmful prescription medications. Many people like me choose to stay hidden in a closet about their cannabis usage and so do I to a degree (my wife would not like that I was posting this), but I have huge issues with this; it propagates the ongoing stigma around cannabis users as those that are in the public eye more often than not choose to keep their usage hidden for fear of the stigma associated.
I don't want to walk around waving a flag proclaiming that I smoke cannabis, but I also, if asked, will always speak up about my usage and how I feel it benefits me and hope to change some opinions (I've changed some already, I'm sure).
I am in the same boat as well. My wife's career and position in the community would be irrecoverably damaged if I was outed, me not so much since I am disabled with no career any more. I won't lie if questioned, but the situation must be managed properly.
**Virtual Hug**Recently while visiting us from NY my sister learned that I am a user. Unfortunately the issue unraveled a major fight. She shares the same small minded opinion as most non users do and she told me that I might as well kill myself because I was obviously a drug addict and I should be ashamed of myself as a father, as a sibling, and as a husband.
After asking her to leave my home I felt necessary to run through 3 fully loaded ELB's in her honor! Saying that to me crushed me after loosing my 24 year old brother just 6 months ago - she watched me as I spoke in front of the crowded funeral and told everyone how you should never take ANYONE for granted.
I feel so obligated to share this as is truly saddens me how something helps me so much is looked at by other in such a despicable fashion.
I agree completely. My problem is I look just like an old pot head. Long hair, beard, Deadhead who wears tie-dye all the time. People who don't even know me assume I smoke pot. So, unintentionally I guess I do walk around waving a flag.
I refuse to change because that's who I am and have been for 30+ years. What they don't realize is I'm also college educated, have a IQ in the 126-130 range and was a manager of information technology before I quit and successfully started my own business. It also gets me profiled by the cops fairly often.
Until we get more legalization and more exposure of MJ usage and benefits out to the public that's just the way it's gonna be.
I'm in the same boat. My wife and I are both Christians and see no hypocrisy in MJ. Yet she owns a Christian daycare and would be ruined if I ever got busted. Now, I NEED TO MAKE IT CLEAR, she does not smoke before or during work, she barely smokes at all. Almost always only with me on thye weekends at music or some other type of festival/event.
I sure hope this forum is safe?![]()