On another note I was sifting through the old thread and saw you were a beta tester OF

. You really provided some great information but it kind of fell off. Are you still using your beta unit?
First off, thanks for the kind words, glad to help when I can.
You betcha I use it. When I can. I just got it back from a loan to another Forum Member (Superbowl you know....). He put some heroic testing in on it. Got some friends involved to 'double team it' keeping all four batteries in circulation he claims. He had a couple of
boil overs too. Mostly from overfilling.....seems they kinda lost track along the line.... A couple of times? Once he left the latching switch on with it standing up on the kitchen counter, it managed to pump oil 'everywhere' before the battery gave out he said. Not having ISO handy he resorted to spray kitchen cleaner (like you'd use on a counter or other ceramic stuff.....). He said it worked great! Why wouldn't it?
In the mean time I've been testing the reduced power oil cart Tim wound me the other day. It was kind of a two fold idea, not only lower power (about ten Watts), but also I wanted to get it high enough in resistance so the VV heads for e-cigs and the D9 Iris could lets me explore different powers. So far, I've had limited success in that mode but some interesting tests at lower powers using the IMR 14500 most likely being considered for the 'mini Cera'. This is using the TV Ultra supply. Anyway, low power is not a good idea I'm thinking. It eventually gives good vapor and all, not as heavy as the full power cart does on weak batteries at best, but it takes 30 seconds or so to get there. If you heat for each hit and space them out it really eats up the battery. Great hits, but you only get maybe
two dozen hits per battery. Plenty for most guys I'm sure, but not enough for some. I continue to be very impressed with the Cera oil cart and know others will be when they try it.......and I know lots of folks who've made that test that give me that confidence.
I know it's frustrating waiting, but I also know it's well worth it to most guys (or will be). The TV guys have been solving routine issues like they are dealing with today for years now using a truly neat and successful business model, I have every reason to expect that to continue. The company that brought us T1, Evolution, Revolution/DART and all the rest is trying to deliver the improved and combined versions of those products as best they can. I'm betting on them to make it happen.