Thaanks guys for the suggestions! I'm glad to know that there is some trial-and-error that goes into getting this right. For a while there, I though I'd gone from

I don't think that it's because I'm not pulling hard enough. I can get very thick milk in the first several hits with a 1/4 ELB load. And I find the Bubbler easier to pull than even the HT's.
Bob, I like your 2-pull method to finish off the ELB. I've experimented doing that but don't have it down just yet, still leaving a bit in the ELB that I can pull out with an HT or smaller piece (like the Ion?).
Roger, I'm gonna try doing the clear a bit sooner, too. Maybe what I need is to leave enough so that a final 2-pull can really extract the remainder.
Max, your suggestion is intriguing. I had forgotten about throttling the Cloud, and now with it inverted that is much easier to do (the CloudBuddy is great). That should change the air ratio and might turn those last wispy hits into one thick one. Gotta try this, too.
And, yes, I have both a Clear and an Ion (arriving today). The Clear has a Reti perc, the Ion a Matrix. I was surprised how large the Clear is and that it takes 5 oz of water, my other pieces are typically ~2 oz, but even so it is virtually drag free. I may end up using them as a sesh pair!
EDIT: Tstat, thanks for your post, too - right on about volume and temp. I've raised the temp because it does indeed add thickness. The volume thing is what's new to me; I've realized that in essence I need to exercise my lungs gradually to work up to handling it more comfortably. Although to handle a 65t I think I may need to add a 3rd lung.
It may put me in the poor house, but ya'know this GAS illness is a helluva lot of fun.