I'm not quite ready to jump into messing with that end yet

, I figure another week of experimenting as is before buying a bunch more stuff. Plus I can't get back to LA for a few weeks, and there's only about an 1/8th of a gram of PG left.

I did bookmark it though.
After three days of fooling around exclusively with the rev and PG, I find I've been missing the wonder and taste (and head) of the botanical precursor to the PG. There's just too much wonderful (endless) variety that's missing in the purity of the PG. Good thing I have a T1 sitting here...
The Revo/DARTless-DART is absolutely going to be my stealth machine though. There's nothing like it. Even with the T1 base, it's tiny, and fits in my pocket. One set of batteries lasts forever (OK, not forever, but compared to the T1/Evo, forever=2 days worth of being wacked all day, both days, and the cells only took 250mAh to recharge). It's ready to hit in 10 seconds. But I think I've said this all already before; I'm just astounded (that I never found out about concentrates before).
Any favorite other concentrates (besides PG) that work particularly well in the DART?