Wait so your saying I can trade my omicron in for a persei for 120?
I dont know, is your Omicron the same essential oil vaporizer as our omicron?
Wait so your saying I can trade my omicron in for a persei for 120?
Please do not shit dirty units.
Better edit the D9 site also!Editing now.
Is there anyway I could trade in my omicron and my HVD kit for credit towards a Persei? Pretty bummed that the universe isn't portable with it.
and FB...Better edit the D9 site also!
you know you can delete and repost in FB. Just mouse over the right upper corner of the comment and a little box should appear. Should at least let you delete, but do whacha feel's best.
You two now can enjoy Industry leading Innovation, technology and customer service.
Unless you meant this great offer is only open to me and some other lucky guy (I wonder who he is...) I'm betting you meant one of the 'other twos'? Specifically the too one? Sounds the same, different meanings......although it does pass spell check so it must be OK.....
Great offer, BTW, good show I don't need either unit....or you'd be getting one of my Eubies real soon....
Hey G does the offer apply to me and this Herbal innovations eclipse vape by essential vaaapp I have? If so can I apply this to my HVD upgrade? Now, later or pre order is cool with me?
Ay man thats what happens when your under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and hot women around you. I just wanted to post it up and get to work if you know what i mean.
It's actually common for vapor to come out of the bottom when it has a clog. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Enjoy it if it works and learn from this lesson.
Get some washers from the hardware store. Put them on the negative side. Make sure the washer fits around the post of the bottom cap. It may take a few.
I need to report that the 15mm spacers ordered from LightHound do not fit inside of the OMI's tube. The dimension of the spacer match that of the tube exactly so there is no way to fit/slide the spacer in.NO GOOD!!! I have (x2) fully charged 14500's that can not be used now.
Not sure what to do as of yet.. it was only $2 so no major loss. I want an alternative but have not found anything, well just wanted to let everyone know.
OF must have a Vaporizer Masters Degree. He knows every trick.