I've read through this particular blog in full and have finally started to chime in here and there. I've slowly been assembling my VAPE kit and am pleased to say that I think I have finally found my OMI's true potential. **SORRY IF MY THOUGHTS JUMP AROUND AND NOT IN ORDER*
I've had an OK experience with my "VAPE PEN" (I know.. we all have different names for em' but lets be honest this is probably the name you first heard) thus far. This is my first vape type device so I had no expectations to exceed as far as performance. I started with the matte black v2 and the new 2.4 cart it cam with. My 1st load was some Cherry Pie wax; darker in color; but still wax none the less. The vapor I was able to produce was very minimal if any. I was not upset though because still I was able to get something.
I was still very excited about having this thing because I knew I could get more out of it. I saw YouTube video's and knew I needed to do my homework to figure out how to play this "Magic Flute". After hitting Google for some more info I found this blog. (Holy Grail IMO) Here I found every possible scenario was pretty much touched in discussion including some people personal techniques and experiences. Not to mention G (The CREATOR) is here shooting the shit keeping everyone (lucky enough to be here) updated. +++++
I had finally got enough studying in to figure out what I needed to do to get better results. I had bought a few 1.5 carts and grabbed some of THE PURE Honeycomb from Elemental Wellness (found through Dub C). I was using a small torch I had from an essential vape unit I had bought from a HIGH TIMES show the year before. (another story) Using the torch I knew not to heat it too much and to not go below the half way mark of the cart to prevent damaging any seals. OK, so I took my time and after got better results with vaping but still not like I had saw and definitely not as consistent. I decided to try some oil but didn't want to get anything dark you know.. so I put it off for a min and then decided to try CANNA NECTAR even though it's not highly recommended.
The first thing I noticed with the CANNA NECTAR is that was solid. Though it was an oil and pretty thin.. when in a room temp environment it solidifies. I got the NECTAR from HSO, BLUE DREAM was the strain.. my wife's favorite. It was sub par in regards to effect but the vapor was thick and consistent when applying good technique.I started to wonder what was up with my other 1.5 with the PURE in it?? Maybe it had a air bubble in there somewhere? Not sure but the BLUE DREAM 1.5 was going too good for me so the experimenting continued.
I bought the v2.5 top upgrade and saw a little bit of a difference with the PURE 1.5 cart but nothing major. The BLUE C. NECTAR 1.5 had already been OK. I randomly came across an old tan colored heat gun. It plugs into the wall with a 3-prong and only has hi & lo setting on the power button. I had read here that it was great alternative to the torch for filling carts. I put it up when i got it though because I had a few carts going already. Planned to use it for next filling. **UNKNOWN SECRET WEAPON IMO**
I've been collecting random waxes and super melts lately so I have flavors for my new toy.

One of them is a super melt; LARRY OG; from HSO. I had been wanting to get this in a cart for a few days now. It had the same thin but solid look to me as the CANNA NECTAR and was definitely melting to the touch. (a little bit) This morning I had some extra time and decided to get to it using the heat gun. The old heat gun was perfect! There was no vapor coming from the super melt as it slid down the cart but it was hot. I remember seeing OF's photos of the open cart and decided " hey lets saturate the wick". So with the heat gun blowing on the screw end my fingers holding the top end (mouthpiece end), I spun the cart back and forth slowly. I dry hit it after to see that I didn't clog it and was happy to taste LARRY OG goodness. CLEAN.. Something was different I could tell. I took off for work and attempted to prime my cart and noticed vapor immediately.. OK, cool no priming. Took a good rip and had to stop because of the vapor..what!!?? I almost laughed out load with excitement. WTF I hit it a few more times with no problems.. CLEAN & CLEAR hits.

I think the heat gun really allowed the super-melt/wax/oil to really saturate/absorb into the wick. (as I mentioned I tasted it as I had smelled it) I will definitely be using the heat gun from now on when filling and would suggest everyone who can, give it a try as well. You wont be disappointed. PATIENCE & GOOD VAPING TECHNIQUE IS KEY!!