Frederick McGuire
Aggressively Loungey
The Bubbler Bonanza!

This thread was inspired by some of the recent discussion on the customized vape setups thread, here is my review of all of my current bubblers.
I have plenty of pics uploading now, so stay tuned for them soon, and I've shot videos of each one (All using my Gn0me), but they still new to be edited.
Which vid would everyone like to see first?
WeedStar Double Showerhead:
Cost: $65 (on sale)
It's normally $90 on EDIT
or there's a clone on GrassCity which doesn't have a showerhead on the back, for $100
This piece originally had a big weed star label on it that I couldn't live with, so in the end I sanded off the label with some fine grit sandpaper.
It left the glass scuffed, but it wasn't all that noticeable when it was in use.
I also noticed a little crack in it that was covered by the label. It was only about 1cm wide, and it didn't affect it's functionality at all.
That crack has grown, but the it still functions fine.
This has to be one of the best value pieces I've seen.
It stacks bubbles really well, I usually just over fill the first chamber, and pull for a second till it overflows into the second chamber.
If you're not careful with the water level in the second chamber, when clearing the piece some water can splash up into your mouth. It's not hard to avoid with some technique though.
Inline to 6-Arm Tree to 6-Arm Tree:
Cost: $250
I picked this one up from They only ship to the US and Canada, but helped me out with the shipping.
This one seems to wow people when they see it, and I knew I had to have it as soon as I saw it.
The inline has x slits that are down facing, but it has an open end. This means that when the piece is standing flat, the inline doesn't really fire.
The trees on the other hand hit well when it's flat or tilted a bit, so I usually tilt it so that the inline fires instead of the open hole at the end.
This piece has the most restricted draw of the lot, it's the only triple chamber, and it's the only one with a closed mouth. It still functions perfectly with every vape I've used it with, it just requires a slightly different draw.
Luke Wilson 15-Arm:
Cost: $250
I picked this one up from Mephisto in the classifieds section.
This thing stacks bubbles effortlessly. Depending on the water level, I can stack bubbles to the top to the can every time.
It's sorta halfway between a chug and a purr, I'd say it's right in the middle between the matrix and the reti.
One thing I really love about the design is the base. Instead of the base just being a flat "bell" shaped bottom, it curves back up so that the base is right under the tree.
I am pretty sure this helps with its stacking ability, and lowers the overall volume of the piece.
Mobius Reti:
Cost: $330
This one came from ALT. The first thing I noticed about it was how nice the Reti perc looks in person.
I like the bell shape it has, as it gives the piece a deceptively high water volume. There really is no drag, even with the water up quite high.
It stacks bubbles well, with a pretty strong chug to it. You can feel the piece vibrating in your hand as it chugs.
I have noticed that if I have the water level too high, the water settling back down will cause some air to blow back up the stem.
I found that I can either keep the water level low, or make sure I clear the piece. It's manageable, but it's something I always make sure to tell someone if they are hitting it through a vape that won't like a little blow-back (the gn0me, or ground glass SSV don't like blow-back at all, whereas the solo doesn't care)
Mobius Matrix:
Cost: $390
I picked this one up from Aero18 in the classifieds section.
I've wanted a matrix ever since I first saw it. I really do love how it performs. It has even less drag than the reti, and stacks bubbles like its going out of fashion.
I love the feel of the draw, it's much softer than the reti in its vibrations, I basically don't feel anything.
It's a smoother purr to the retis rougher chug.
It also seems to stack more smaller bubbles vs less bigger bubbles.
The perc itself is amazing to look at, you can see the time and effort that must go in to making it.
I also quite like the sandblasted logos on both of the mobius pieces. They're subtle, but they give the bubblers a little bit more character.