can i stick my male joint in there?
hey guys!
I had to get really vaked to write my humble opinion on my recently acquired Solo.
Although the Solo that came to my hands is an m105 and not the newer 107 it does a far far better job than my old PAMFLB at getting me medicated blazing fast and the taste is like nothing I had experienced before with either the box, the vapor genie or the lotus!
Although I sometimes like to suck on the Solo slowly and at lower temperatures to get the subtle tastes, the preferred way is hitting it hard at 7 for 4-5 big hits and that's usually enough for the next two hours. I think I also save a lot of battery like that and the taste is of the fullest spectrum possible (at least the first three hits)! Today I even made a small jar bubbler due to a zero budget for a decent glass, and the hits now are even bigger and smoother! Had three lightly packed bowls to test the airflow and now I am flying high with the eagles!I have used an old jar, I made two holes on the plastic cap, one for the straight Solo stem with a LB battery ring attached for sealing and another for a small silicon whip. Tightened the cap a lot and the airflow is very restricted like the native Solo but it hits great especially if you move the stem around a little!
Next round I am putting ice inside,!!!
Even tested the Solo on a bicycle ride around the nearby lake the other day and it was a much simpler, smoother and more effective outdoor experience than any with other vapes. Everything around the waist and off we go!
Super excited with the investment and a big thanks to Puffitup who have already sent me an m107 upon request as a replacement. Best portable vaporiser right now!!! End of discussion!
hahah nice setup, i love it

Question: A new "Latest Model" solo is around 162 from all the Amazon dealers. With free prime shipping no less.
Why should I not do this? Anyone with bad experiences or coupons for a source they think is more reliable?
planetvape and puffitup have coupons for FC memeber which makes the price more reasonable plus i know planetvape gave you some extra stuff like an extra stem, a grinder and a couple of the stem caps which makes up a bit of the cost too. i gotta say i love the volcano grinder that planetvape gave you, that thing does a better job then my space case, i love it.