OF said:
I've been involved in such 'group buys' before, and while I understand the desire and idea and all my experience is it's a real PITA to address and ship all those little 'low cost' packages. To make it even worse, I don't support PayPal so that option is out.
But, I'll tell you what. If one of you wants to volunteer to distribute the tube, I'll go buy another stick or two next time I'm out that way, cut it into say six inch pieces (?). I will mail the lot to you free of charge if you'll agree to distribute it at modest price to Members who want it? We can co-ordinate the details like length so it'll be easy to ship out in say padded envelopes, hopefully in long enough pieces so guys can cut them shorter as they wish (getting at least two stems in the process). It cuts easily with a hacksaw (or as I recall Vitolo used a kitchen steak knife) and smooths up nicely with file, sandpaper or in Vitolo's case a finger nail file as I recall?
Any volunteers?
Remember we talked about this, but no one replied that they wanted any tubes? Well, I'm still down to do this if you are still offering.

I tried out a 3'' MFLB stem mod on the omicron, and I almost think this should be included with the omicron!

You truly do have to almost sip on the cartridge to get the hits you want, but it does show you how to do it, and is definitely "training wheels" as a fellow member stated.
I think it's a valuable and must needed tool for beginners, heck even for pros that think they know how to hit it, this tool can help anyone! Only con about this is the 3'' stem isn't long enough IMO. If it was a bit longer, you could really see how the vapor is working and would love to get a longer stem.
If OF is willing to do this, then I will ship out stems to people requesting it on a first come first serve. I would cut them 6 to 7 inches. If you don't feel like doing this still no worries at all.