What would be the advantage of a Tempest/Anvil/Dani Fusion 2 if I already have something like the Tinymight 2?
I see people gushing over them, which is probably understandable if they come from a DynaVap (I've never tried one), but I think I've also seen people with other very well-regarded vapes saying they're the best.
There are a lot of advantages, and differences generally but if I were to try and strip it back to the most notable from a utlitarian perspective it would be a marked difference in your perceived high and the medicinal effects you receive from your herb (depending on which vaporizer you select to complement the TM2 of course!).
Your Tinymight 2 extracts through convection and thus delivers a pure convection high.. It's personal taste but if you are looking for a distinct point of difference when acquiring a second vaporizer I would strongly recommend you go with a vaporizer that uses additional conduction along with convection to extract the desirables from your herb. So, just my opinion here, not the Tempest as a second vape initially as its more convection leaning than the other options you listed.. you are likely to have less points of difference in effects from your herb than you would with a different choice. As other posters have rather eloquently explained, when conduction is a larger part of or the entirety of the means of extracting the cannabinoids from your material many, many users report feeling different effects. Vapingyogi explained this very well IMHO. If you have a medical condition such as chronic pain, insomnia, etc. you may find that a vape which utilises conduction will relieve a larger amount of pain and help you off to sleep with less herbal material than a pure convection vape like the TM2.
Vaping for 20+ years, Vapingyogis reported experience of effects (and ritual!) has also been 100% my experience.
TLDR I get more pain relief, sleep assistance and anxiety reduction from a smaller amount of material when conduction is in the extraction mix. I get a more stony, warm blanket effects profile.
BUT I might want a more crispy, clean, alert and energetic effect in the morning in the initial stages of a long hike for example. This would be a great time to use a convection forward vape like your TM2 to achieve this. Later in the night I might be sore from walking all day, worried about work with critters and campmates keeping me awake.. what do you know its conduction forward vape time ;-)
So that in a nutshell is the advantage of having more than one device, just make sure your second device has notable points of difference from the first.
As some other posters have already stated, it you can stretch your budget I would highly, highly highly ;-) recommend the Tornado over any of the initial options in your first post. It incorporates more conduction heating to extract your desirables. It has a very different signature to the TM2, its very efficient with any amount of herb you throw at it and the vapor is very smooth at higher temperatures. No 40 second pranayama convection inhales to completely extract a bowl with the Tornado, its straight into thick vapor.. one can clear a bowl almost as easily as with a ballvape and a glass rig. I've used and owned a lot of vapes. I sold some vapes when I got the Nado and friends have also done the same. It fulflls a medical users needs really nicely IMHO. A convection leaning vape (your TM2 as an example) and the nado really nicely covers most users needs. I use CXL (convection-centric) and Tornado (conduction-centric) heads on a stem and cooling system I cobbled together 95% of the time. 360 style ball vape for serious pain relief sleepy time outside of that.
In the shortish term, try and get your hands on a tornado. I don't think you'll be disappointed and for the time being if you didn't like it I think you could sell it for what you paid for it without taking a loss. A few other medical patients have tried hard to buy mine from me after trying it.. but they can pry it from my cold, dead hands. For the moment at least its my one ring to rule them all.. my PRECIOUS

LMAO I hope you find your happy vaping place friend