Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

Grass Yes

Staff member
Can the PID be used with a smart switch? Obviously the smart switch can turn the power off, but can the smart switch turn the power on?
It looks like the Pinch Hitter ships with the same Crossing Micro PID controller as the screwball. I have one of those and it does require a button press to turn on. So it would only be able to be shut off via a smart plug. It also has a built-in auto shutoff that can be disabled.

Vapor Dude

Well-Known Member
Hey old-fart the Pinch Hitter PID does not work with a smart switch.
Sneaky Pete Vaporizers complains about it. There is no physical switch
for on/off. Long press the button for a few seconds to get on or off.
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Vapor Dude,
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Well-Known Member
Can the PID be used with a smart switch? Obviously the smart switch can turn the power off, but can the smart switch turn the power on?
can you use one of those current sensing switches? To elaborate i have one that when i turn on my table saw on it also turns on the shop-vac. It just turns the entire secondary 115 v circuit based on the primary.


Well-Known Member
can you use one of those current sensing switches? To elaborate i have one that when i turn on my table saw on it also turns on the shop-vac. It just turns the entire secondary 115 v circuit based on the primary.
I'd be willing to bet that both your circular saw and shop vac have mechanical power switches where the pinch hitter pid has an electric switch.


Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to bet that both your circular saw and shop vac have mechanical power switches where the pinch hitter pid has an electric switch.
No I don’t believe that is correct. There is no mechanical switch. What there is a current sensing circuit and it turns that secondary on and off.

Grass Yes

Staff member
can you use one of those current sensing switches? To elaborate i have one that when i turn on my table saw on it also turns on the shop-vac. It just turns the entire secondary 115 v circuit based on the primary.
How are you proposing this would work? If the PID controller has a power button that's required to start, how would this help?
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
For a smart plug to work with this PID you would need to physically press the button on the PID right after the smart plug is switched on. So you would need some sort of robotic thing.

I searched and found this

Automation Smart Switch Button Pusher Timer Bluetooth Finger Robot Home​

No idea if this would work lol

Amazon also sells similar :p


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
For a smart plug to work with this PID you would need to physically press the button on the PID right after the smart plug is switched on. So you would need some sort of robotic thing.

I searched and found this

Automation Smart Switch Button Pusher Timer Bluetooth Finger Robot Home​

No idea if this would work lol

Amazon also sells similar :p
This device is hilarious! Thanks for finding it. Now if only we could find a robotic hand that can lift its middle finger with a voice command! I would mount it on my car's back window.


Well-Known Member
The thing with the PID is you need to press and hold the button for a second so even any of these device that press will need to press and hold then release.

I just feel like a PID with built in smart capabilities would be the best bet going forwards with this idea.


Well-Known Member
I have just tested this with a smart plug - if the power button is manually pressed on the PID and then the smart plug is turned on, it will work. You will just have to find a mechanism that will exert enough force to keep the button pressed at all times. Once powered on, it will not power off if the button is continuously engaged. Then just use the smart plug to power off when needed.


Well-Known Member
I have had my Pinch Hitter for just over two months now, and I have really enjoyed it. I was attracted to the notion of a fresh hit every bowl, and that is still my favorite aspect of the device. I get a good full roast with my temp set at 600F. It would be a great starter 'ball' vape, I think.

I can't contribute to the smart plug discussion, but I can report that the Pinch Hitter PID will power on when the ambient temperature is below 32F/0C, which is not true of all of them. For example, my Terp Hammer will not power on when ambient temp is that low, but displays an error message.


Well-Known Member
How are you proposing this would work? If the PID controller has a power button that's required to start, how would this help?
With regard to PID wiring I do not have a schematic or anything for the PID so i am not commenting on that. I am just saying there are circuits that are designed that one independent circuit can control power to another circuit. I was talking generally.

Sorry I appreciate that is not much help there if you are trying to set this device up.

Grass Yes

Staff member
With regard to PID wiring I do not have a schematic or anything for the PID so i am not commenting on that. I am just saying there are circuits that are designed that one independent circuit can control power to another circuit. I was talking generally.

Sorry I appreciate that is not much help there if you are trying to set this device up.
Ah, I see. One could definitely build a new PID controller to use a current sensing switch. Not relevant to the discussion of the Vapvana PID controller, of course.

Although I would probably just build an Internet connected PID controller like Jcat's if I went that route.
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. One could definitely build a new PID controller to use a current sensing switch. Not relevant to the discussion of the Vapvana PID controller, of course.

Although I would probably just build an Internet connected PID controller like Jcat's if I went that route.
I agree that would be the design approach i would want to use. Since i originally posted that i did talk to a friend of mine who was (now retired) a Chem E/EE who was a process control engineer at a pharmaceutical company. This is his world, I've never really dealt with control loop stuff. But i can say that once the interface is web enabled its pretty straight forward to put the UI on a smart phone (eliminate extra HW).

Is that Jcat thing on this site? Still learning. thanks

Grass Yes

Staff member
Is that Jcat thing on this site? Still learning. thanks
Grass Yes,
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Hi All,

Let me first say that I love the pinch hitter. I've been using ball vapes for a couple years now, and I was attracted to the microdose benefits of the Pinch Hitter. It's become my daily. I also really enjoy the 1 hit extraction.

In the interest of discussion and feedback, I've got a few notes that would be awesome to address for future products:
  • I found it hard to remove and change screens without bending them over time; in the end I left the screens in for cleaning and just bought a second microbowl. I do like the way they fit into place.
  • The glass joints on the glass bowl are pretty weak, and they break easily when trying to remove them. I'm not that strong. I've unfortunately got a half broken bowl inside the titanium bowl that I can't easily get out.
I will probably just clean my still-intact microbowl without removing glass or screen. On that note, I don't believe my pinch-hitter kit came with or directed me to proper maintenance guide.



Well-Known Member
I will probably just clean my still-intact microbowl without removing glass or screen. On that note, I don't believe my pinch-hitter kit came with or directed me to proper maintenance guide.

Just use common sense here. And you should be fine.
Yes, I try to use common sense all the time. :D

I've since discovered that it's easier to remove the glass when the unit is warm. And the 18mm glass pieces are definitely less breaky.

I do find compared to the Freight Train Pro, that the Pinch Hitter does make me cough more... and I run it at a lower temp (500). The hits are smoother and more consistent.
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I've since discovered that it's easier to remove the glass when the unit is warm. And the 18mm glass pieces are definitely less breaky.
I haven't yet given my bowl anything more than a post-use dusting. But I keep everything else spotless, so I probably should develop a routine with the bowl as well. The screens give me pause, but probably shouldn't.

It's amazing how many variables are in a sesh... heat intensity, flower qualities such as moisture/oil/wax content as well as grind, airspeed and so on. It has taken a while but I'm starting to get some "lay of the land" with the Pinch Hitter.
> I haven't yet given my bowl anything more than a post-use dusting.

I hit mine frequently, so I get some accumulation on the screen that eventually reduces airflow. I also try to keep my setup clean, and I'm frequently rotating clean parts, bowls, etc. The screens are definitely a pain and they get damaged after repeated removal and re-use, so I just dump the whole micro bowl in a ultrasonic cleaner and run it in there for an hour.

One thing that I have noticed is that if I leave the coil on the bowl and forget about it, it'll eventually burn the contents after a few minutes. I hear the sizzle and then realize my mistake. I usually try to vape 10-20 seconds after putting the heater on the bowl. My avb is usually light brown... you can see traces of green in it.

> variables

Heh... too many! I get more accumulation that requires more than dusting probably because I grind my weed fairly fine. Bad fingers means the grinder is a pain to use, so I use a bud buster... It's a little fine, but I enjoy the dust.


Well-Known Member
Anybody have any recs for reasonably priced aftermarket handles that would fit the pinch hitter heater in place of the plastic one it comes with? Is that a thing that exists? Enjoying everything about it but that.
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I bought a scale that theoretically measures down to a thousandth of a gram. A full but untamped Pinch Hitter microdose bowl of medium-fine grind herb was 0.065 grams.

As a reference/comparison, my Arizer Air Max non-XL stem filled and ever so slightly tamped held 0.128 grams (almost twice as much as the Pinch Hitter bowl.)
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Well-Known Member
Anybody have any recs for reasonably priced aftermarket handles that would fit the pinch hitter heater in place of the plastic one it comes with? Is that a thing that exists? Enjoying everything about it but that.
Not sure if you consider this your price range but Ed makes a set for the bowl and the coil modeled on baseball bats!
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