Vestratto Tornado heating tips


Well-Known Member
So I’ve started this thread for us all to discuss how to heat the Tornado, I thought it would be nice to have it all in one place separate from the product discussion so that it’s easier to collate and read through.

Perhaps every few pages of posts we can put it all together into a big post that gets added to over time.

I’ll start with this lovely post from @coolbreeze about using DV sized torches. It’s particularly helpful as I’m sure a lot of people will have those laying around.

Datapoint: I've only used a PB207 at full power, no spinning, aimed between and just above the holes for a repeatable full roast. I tried pointing at the neck for a few seconds before moving to 1/3 up the oven but it ended up darker than I'd prefer. I think I could get similar results with a big Eagle or even an Honest torch.


Big and Bouncy
I think a pre-heated Tornado is a happy Tornado with the Wand. I have mine set to 320C and that gives me 30 seconds of heating. Usually the oven clicks at around 20 seconds, depending on how hot the device already was. I let it run out. I'm going back and forth between 320 and 315

I'll contribute the above quote by @Roffa (thanks!) for IH users. I'm also told @electrokho82 has some good posts about using a IH with the Tornado, thanks @PrematureEvaporation 👍


I include the bit with the lettering and the small section of copper just below that. Vapor more subtle somehow and a bit faster hitting perhaps? Not sure about that last bit, may well be my perception only. But definitely even a bit smoother still and a bit more terpy. Also clicks a little bit faster
Now that’s interesting! So far I only heated the oven section near the vent holes, moving lower for darker roast.

So you heat this whole section? What’s the flame size? Does the inner flame hit the surface? How fast do you move ?

Exactly like that and with a large flame. I have a Dremel Versatip that's very precise: I put it on its highest setting.
How fast: fairly fast, I don't know. I do make sure not to linger too long on the section around the vent holes.
I also want to contribute quotes by @Roffa on the painting method, as these has been very helpful to me. I also included my own post to show the section to be heated.


Serial vapist
@Roffa @hotmeals

When you say torch along the length of the device, do you mean like going up and down from right by the clickers all the way down near the connector on the bottom? I’m assuming it’s not that extreme right?

And also when you say it makes a big difference, could you expand on that a bit? Harder hitting? More even AVB?

I want to gather up as much knowledge as I can whilst I’m waiting to get one so I can get the best performance straight out of the gate.

Thanks for any answers
I have gone as low as the thinnest part but right now I'm experimenting with only going down to the section with the logo. I keep it between there and the top edge of the thickest part of the oven. I set the Inner flame to the length of the entire oven plus the clicker, and heat with a gap between the tip of the inner flame and the oven of about a half inch. I would say I'm getting quicker, denser extractions that hit a little harder. Possibly better flavor and a more thorough roast at a similar temp, not sure yet.

Edit: that flame size is just a carryover from my stationary tech though, definitely going to be pumping it up in future experiments
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyone’s input so far, I think we’ve already got some really good stuff here due to their posts :)

So I’d like to add @electrokho82 posts to this thread just in case they’re too busy enjoying the Tornado to do it themselves ;)

These were the first posts to really show what the wand can do with the Tornado. I think they’re very helpful for those with Dynavaps to show how well their existing IH can work with this device. Plenty of bowls to a full battery and some fast RTL heatups

I finally have the answer regarding the effects of the Tornado, and yes, it's really more powerful than the Anvil! just made a video, and l'm still struggling to organize my thoughts to write this post. But hey, it might be a placebo effect. I've heard so much about it that the effects seem more powerful to me. In any case, for now, it seems more efficient than the Anvil. Give me a few more days to confirm that! In this video, I'm testing the Tornado with the lspire Wand.I heat it for 21 seconds to reach the first click, and the second click comes at 22 seconds. The Anvil, on the other hand, takes 47 seconds for the first click and 53 seconds for the second. The vapor from the Tornado is exceptionally smooth, and this machine is simply incredible. The video is in French, but you don't really need to understand it-you can just watch it. I let you judge for yourselves in the video!

I have some great news (I’m surprised myself!): I managed to get a total of 18 bowls (between 0.1 and 0.2 grams per bowl) out of the Ispire Wand and the Tornado before the batteries died. That’s amazing! I’m no longer interested in the Forge or Camouflet’s induction heater, a simple Ispire Wand is enough. For the first session, it takes 21 seconds for the first click and 22 seconds for the second clic. For the 18th session, it took 28 seconds for the first click and 31 seconds for the second click. Here’s the video of the 18 bowls, sped up 10 times:

I’d also like to invite @Duba to share their experience with a triple flame torch and show us some sexy hand made French leather… :lol:
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This Proxxon torch is with me since forever, but I’ve never heated any vaporizer with it due to fear of melting the device or at least burn everything in it. But since @Roffa mentioned the usage of a Dremel Versatip, which sounded nuts to me, I overcame my combustion fear and gave my Tornado a full blast with my trusty old Proxxon.

Though it was scary af to heat paint the whole length of the device with this big ass flame, it worked out perfect. Nearly instant medication by tons of dense but smooth vapor, and throughout dark roasted AVB. Very impressive. Seems the more heat you apply to the Tornado, the better it performs.



Well-Known Member
This Proxxon torch is with me since forever, but I’ve never heated any vaporizer with it due to fear of melting the device or at least burn everything in it. But since @Roffa mentioned the usage of a Dremel Versatip, which sounded nuts to me, I overcame my combustion fear and gave my Tornado a full blast with my trusty old Proxxon.

Though it was scary af to heat paint the whole length of the device with this big ass flame, it worked out perfect. Nearly instant medication by tons of dense but smooth vapor, and throughout dark roasted AVB. Very impressive. Seems the more heat you apply to the Tornado, the better it performs.

That torch is more or less a rebranded Blazer Stingray, which I believe uses the same nozzle (and thereby flame) as the Blazer Firefox. I like them as they’re very powerful but are still quite pocketable compared to a big dab torch like the Blazer GT8000.

Which is somewhat interesting as the Firefox was the unofficial torch of choice for the Anvil. You’d usually have to turn it down to avoid combustion though. It’s cool you can use it here with full power and get some real nice results. Would love some AVB shots to see what roast these techniques and torches all give ;)

So far it seems to be that mid sized single flame torches produce the best results, then triple, then DV sized single. Dual seems to combust by most reports.

I’d love to know how a quad and big dab torch compare. If it’s anything like the Anvil I’d be willing to bet that the dab torch will maximise convection - and it would certainly get some serious thermal power into that “gasifier” pretty quickly


That’s exactly how I like my Anvil AVB! A man of great tastes :)

How was the flavour? The Anvil would have the tendency to taste on the borderline of being charred toward the end of hits like that.
I divided this into 3 slow hits in order to not combust. First one had some muted flavor to it, the rest was almost completely muted. I often found myself surprised about how close to combustion I‘ve been pushing it, cause it didn’t taste nowhere near that. When it really starts tasting roasted, it’s usually charred black.

Btw I tried the same setting hitting it faster, which ended up in combustion. Wasn't too bad though 🥴


Well-Known Member
I divided this into 3 slow hits in order to not combust. First one had some muted flavor to it, the rest was almost completely muted. I often found myself surprised about how close to combustion I‘ve been pushing it, cause it didn’t taste nowhere near that. When it really starts tasting roasted, it’s usually charred black.

Btw I tried the same setting hitting it faster, which ended up in combustion. Wasn't too bad though 🥴
That makes me really happy to hear actually, I have no problem with muted flavour (I have a solo or vapman for flavour) but I can’t stand when it has that awful charred taste. I think that taste correlates with something nasty being released as I always have a heavy feeling on my chest after hitting vapour with that taste :doh:

That’s interesting you modified your draw speed for different roasts, is it quite an important variable then? I don’t remember it being too important on the Anvil but I guess it’s that extra convection at play here
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That’s interesting you modified your draw speed for different roasts, is it quite an important variable then? I don’t remember it being too important on the Anvil but I guess it’s that extra convection at play here
Draw speed is not that important, unless you’re riding on the edge of combustion. Which I sometimes do with this big torch, probably I should run it on about 80%.

That makes me really happy to hear actually, I have no problem with muted flavour (I have a solo or vapman for flavour) but I can’t stand when it has that awful charred taste.
Yeah, the Tornado mutes it all, at least when running it as hot as I do. Anvil reproduces flavors more strong and clear, for the good and the bad.


Well-Known Member
Draw speed is not that important, unless you’re riding on the edge of combustion. Which I sometimes do with this big torch, probably I should run it on about 80%.

That makes sense actually. When you’re running it that close to the line these smaller variables are often enough to push it over! If that proxxon is anything like the stingray it’s identical to, the flame has one hell of range to experiment with.

If you haven’t already tried it also gives you some mega hits if you keep it medium-ish and heat the thermal battery on the Anvil till first click. I’d sometimes turn it even lower and go to the second click for a heavy conduction heat soak

Yeah, the Tornado mutes it all, at least when running it as hot as I do. Anvil reproduces flavors more strong and clear, for the good and the bad.
I’m quite happy with that, personally. As you know yourself there’s much better vapes out there for flavour anyway, this one is all about the hits for me
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That makes sense actually. When you’re running it that close to the line these smaller variables are often enough to push it over! If that proxxon is anything like the stingray it’s identical to, the flame has one hell of range to experiment with.
I did some investigation on the Stingray, comparing it to my Proxxon in detail - and yes, it’s 100% identical. Great range for sure and also a very stable flame.

If you haven’t already tried it also gives you some mega hits if you keep it medium-ish and heat the thermal battery on the Anvil till first click. I’d sometimes turn it even lower and go to the second click for a heavy conduction heat soak
I haven’t, but that’s exactly what I do with my small industrial torch, except I have it running almost on max for the perfect flame. This makes this easier as I use it exclusively with the Anvil. At least now that I discovered that the Tornado can take the big fucker 😄


Serial vapist
Dang that's too dark for me, looks like a significant amount of pyrolysis.

This one was a tad lighter and less even than what I usually go for with the Tornado, but it's pretty close. Dynavap bowl on top for reference. I have to hard disagree about the flavor, The Anvil and Tornado have become 2 of my favorite tasting vapes. I've been using the Anvil almost every day since I got it and flavor is very important for me. The Tornado is even better.

Edit: Forgot to also mention that I consider draw speed to be very crucial to the experience with really any vape, and even when smoking. Some vapes less than others, but I would consider the Anvil and Tornado to be in the middle to upper end of that range personally.
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Well-Known Member
Dang that's too dark for me, looks like a significant amount of pyrolysis.

This one was a tad lighter and less even than what I usually go for with the Tornado, but it's pretty close. Dynavap bowl on top for reference. I have to hard disagree about the flavor, The Anvil and Tornado have become 2 of my favorite tasting vapes. I've been using the Anvil almost every day since I got it and flavor is very important for me. The Tornado is even better.

Edit: Forgot to also mention that I consider draw speed to be very crucial to the experience with really any vape, and even when smoking. Some vapes less than others, but I would consider the Anvil and Tornado to be in the middle to upper end of that range personally.
Don’t know if it’s just me but the photo won’t seem to display? Could be my device though. Would love to see it

Regarding the AVB, I’d go more by the stated experience of the user than how it looks on the photo to evaluate the presence of something like pyrolysis. Purely because it’s quite hard to accurately photograph the exact shade of AVB a lot of the time. My S3 produces very similar AVB at >210 when I photograph it.

Interesting about the flavour, I don’t often hear people saying that about Vestratto devices. It’s not something I’ve ever really gotten on the Anvil without going for lighter roasts or using the dab torch convection tek to reign the conduction in a bit. Definitely not with my preferred dark brown roasts though!
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Dang that's too dark for me, looks like a significant amount of pyrolysis.

This one was a tad lighter and less even than what I usually go for with the Tornado, but it's pretty close. Dynavap bowl on top for reference. I have to hard disagree about the flavor, The Anvil and Tornado have become 2 of my favorite tasting vapes. I've been using the Anvil almost every day since I got it and flavor is very important for me. The Tornado is even better.

Edit: Forgot to also mention that I consider draw speed to be very crucial to the experience with really any vape, and even when smoking. Some vapes less than others, but I would consider the Anvil and Tornado to be in the middle to upper end of that range personally.
I agree that the Anvil delivers great taste, but it’s a device that I‘m using for almost 3 years now, so I have it perfectly dialed in and the comparison is kinda unfair. It’s so natural to me, that I tend to forget that I‘m using a pretty specific drawing style.

I‘m newish to the Tornado and even newer in using such a powerful torch. The big guy makes me struggle a bit with pyrolysis and combustion as I‘m still searching for my perfect heat up technique. So the lack of flavor is my responsibility.

How do you heat up?


Big and Bouncy
I‘m newish to the Tornado and even newer in using such a powerful torch. The big guy makes me struggle a bit with pyrolysis and combustion as I‘m still searching for my perfect heat up technique. So the lack of flavor is my responsibility.

How do you heat up?
I'm guessing you don't have a Wand?


Serial vapist
Don’t know if it’s just me but the photo won’t seem to display? Could be my device though. Would love to see it
Hm that's weird, I can see it. I'll edit another one into this post with the other embed method when I rip it in a bit.
Regarding the AVB, I’d go more by the stated experience of the user than how it looks on the photo to evaluate the presence of something like pyrolysis. Purely because it’s quite hard to accurately photograph the exact shade of AVB a lot of the time.
That photo looks like it is lit from directly above which generally makes it appear lighter. I'm not basing it purely on the shade though, everything on the right half is noticeably shriveled and decomposed compared to the left side. The stated user experiences of "The Anvil would have the tendency to taste on the borderline of being charred toward the end of hits like that.", "I divided this into 3 slow hits in order to not combust. First one had some muted flavor to it, the rest was almost completely muted. I often found myself surprised about how close to combustion I‘ve been pushing it", "My S3 produces very similar AVB at >210 when I photograph it.", and "The big guy makes me struggle a bit with pyrolysis and combustion as I‘m still searching for my perfect heat up technique. So the lack of flavor is my responsibility." all seem to line up with pyrolysis in my opinion.
Interesting about the flavour, I don’t often hear people saying that about Vestratto devices. It’s not something I’ve ever really gotten on the Anvil without going for lighter roasts or using the dab torch convection tek to reign the conduction in a bit. Definitely not with my preferred dark brown roasts though!
Yep, this is the reason I was initially uninterested in it, so I feel like it's important for me to represent this opinion. Over time I noticed patterns of who says it's a good flavor vape or not and how they use it. I don't have a single vape that I would consider to taste good when the herb comes out looking like that, unless it's a session style and I get some lower temp flavor hits in the beginning, which is not a valid comparison.
How do you heat up?
My heating style was posted earlier in the thread. I can add now that I've played with larger flame settings, but the oven plus clicker length seems to be my sweet spot. I've been heating it in place on the piece and going all the way around kinda like torching a nail.
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Well-Known Member
So weirdly I can see the pic now? Must be my device.

That photo looks like it is lit from directly above which generally makes it appear lighter. I'm not basing it purely on the shade though, everything on the right half is noticeably shriveled and decomposed compared to the left side. The stated user experiences of "The Anvil would have the tendency to taste on the borderline of being charred toward the end of hits like that.", "I divided this into 3 slow hits in order to not combust. First one had some muted flavor to it, the rest was almost completely muted. I often found myself surprised about how close to combustion I‘ve been pushing it", "My S3 produces very similar AVB at >210 when I photograph it.", and "The big guy makes me struggle a bit with pyrolysis and combustion as I‘m still searching for my perfect heat up technique. So the lack of flavor is my responsibility." all seem to line up with pyrolysis in my opinion.
With respect, I don’t think me referencing how a regulated vape from a very competent manufacturer has near identical AVB is a good piece of evidence. That arguably goes against the point you’re trying to make. The only pyrolysis on the S3 comes with poor packing or pieces touching the bottom of the oven.

Although I’ll agree with my comment on the Anvil tasting borderline charred indicating some pyrolysis, for me the Anvil’s thermal lag makes it hard to come right up on that line without inevitably pushing it a touch too far. You also don’t really know until it’s too late either. It’s possible to get it to stop just before this point, but hard to do repeatedly. Going a bit lighter on the roast more or less avoids the risk of this and actually tastes fairly good. But I’m not interested in that, I like the extra sedation from going that touch darker and stopping just before pyro. That’s what interests me with the Tornado, it seems a little more controllable in this regard.

Now @eyevape has come out and said there’s pyrolysis present in their AVB then I’ll agree that there is. I was merely making the point that AVB pics aren’t a reliable representation of the roast - which your initial comment seemed to suggest your conclusion was based on before you added the additional quotes in your response. I think that bares mentioning in general - AVB pics should be taken as a suggestion more so than a statement. They’re very useful as a complement to a solid write up of flavour, effects, et cetera. Between the two it paints a great picture.

Yep, this is the reason I was initially uninterested in it, so I feel like it's important for me to represent this opinion. Over time I noticed patterns of who says it's a good flavor vape or not and how they use it. I don't have a single vape that I would consider to taste good when the herb comes out looking like that, unless it's a session style and I get some lower temp flavor hits in the beginning, which is not a valid comparison.

I do think it’s good to have this alternate perspective, absolutely. I’ve been there myself, getting a vape and having a different experience to what most others are saying then wondering why. Usually there’s a reason for that experience being different. In that respect, I’ll add that most vapes are capable of good-great flavour when you don’t go too dark, and your AVB certainly tracks with that and ties into your comment about usage patterns. Dynavaps are similarly disregarded as Vestratto stuff for flavour generally, and I’ve got some wonderful flavour experiences out of those by not going too dark.

What is really impressive to me personally, is a dark roasted, full extraction right up to the limit of the bud that also maintains a good flavour profile. Consistently. Not many vapes I’ve seen can do that. In this context I’d never say the Vestratto devices I’ve used can do that, it tends towards muted or pushes a little too far and you get the slight charred taste. This is what most people tend to refer to with the bad flavour
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Serial vapist
With respect, I don’t think me referencing how a regulated vape from a very competent manufacturer has near identical AVB is a good piece of evidence.
I think it is, because you're talking about using it at temps that can easily pyrolyze the material, and you're saying it produces AVB that looks the same as AVB that is clearly pyrolyzed. I've caused pyrolysis with my Solo 3 before just by drawing too hard with on demand level 3 and bud on the drier side.
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Well-Known Member
I think it is because you're talking about using it at temps that can easily pyrolyze the material, and you're saying it produces AVB that looks the same as AVB that is clearly pyrolyzed. I've caused pyrolysis with my Solo 3 before just by drawing too hard with on demand level 3 and bud on the drier side.
Hmm, I get what you’re saying there and can see how you reached that conclusion now.

The regulation on the S3 at these temps doesn’t cause pyrolysis at all for me, and does produce a very dark AVB with the effects I seek. Like I said, AVB photos aren’t a reliable indicator and the one posted looked very similar to perfectly fine material from my S3.

In fairness though I got that wrong by comparing AVB to evaluate pyro, while we are on the topic of AVB pics not being totally reliable :lol:

Strange that your device has done so, but there’s extra convection in the on demand which would certainly be capable of that extra push. I don’t mess with it too much but I know there’s a few different variables at play there. Its also their first attempt at on demand so its inevitably less polished than session mode. I know another user totally combusted their bowl to an ash tray in this mode so it’s totally possible!
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Serial vapist
The regulation on the S3 at these temps doesn’t cause pyrolysis at all for me
I'm skeptical of that. If it comes out looking anything close to that pic it's definitely pyrolyzed, and the reason you prefer its flavor when used like this could be because it doesn't bring the herb up to pyrolyzing temps nearly as quickly as something like the Anvil or Tornado.
AVB photos aren’t a reliable indicator
They aren't perfectly reliable just like any photo, but it's still a photo. If you know what to look for and know how different factors can affect the appearance of a photo, you can make pretty reliable determinations. That photo could be in greyscale and I would still be able to tell it's pyrolyzed, it's pretty heavy pyrolysis.
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