Vaphit Quartz Cap -


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
Very cheap, very effective little convection device. Deserves more love as an endearingly odd mashup of TRWWs Terpscle (the holes) and the Quartz Caps (the rest of it) (with maybe a dash of Camouflet Convector, too).

Full kit with spares and a carry case for $14.

Mentioned a couple of times in comments, but no thread of its own, as yet



Well-Known Member
Amazing budget device and phenomenal seller imo. They shipped fast and offer a lot of freebies, I ordered the kit with the silicone stem for about $14 and they gave me a glass stem for free! Broke a cap so I asked them why is it not on their Ali site and they updated it next day, so I ordered 4 caps and they gave me 2 tips for free, it's just crazy.

Okay, so it's basically a dynavap tip modded to hold an additional 2 orings so the quartz cap is held tight in place, you can use this tip in any Dynavap body, if the quartz cap broke you can also use it with any Dynavap cap.

The quartz cap is where this device shines imo, they have 2 holes at the site to take in the air, and they also have 2 version of the cap, one with 1mm holes and one with 1.5mm holes. I prefer the bigger ones as they give me a lot more airflow and full extraction, the taste is amazing at this price point, I don't want to compare but when you get it right it can go toe to toe with the big brands butane vapes.

It have no click, so for a new user this can cause some troubles at first, in a group setting through, it is amazing since you can just reheat it anytime instead of waiting for the cool down click or forget about it and combust the bowl, see-through bowl is so cool since you can see if your bud is still good to vape without needing to open the cap, also good to pull out the vape immediately when it combust so it won't stink your bongs haha. You can use it as a sipper, continuously torching it after a few sips, or torch it for 20+ seconds near the air holes to get a massive one hit. Honestly I'm loving this little device right now! Even modded my 2019 Dynavap ti tip with extra orings so I can use this quartz cap on it, and it works amazing, too!



Ancient and opiniated inhaler
tl;dr Impulse buy - for ~AU$18 delivered to Sydney in less than a week, I got a very useful addition to my options. Highly recommended as value for investment. Deserves it's own thread IMHO! Anyone want to start one?

Never used a butane device in > 15 years of regular vaping, so took some practice and going too far with at least some char/combustion at least once - it tastes as bad as I remember but I can avoid it with care by taking it slowly...

In terms of getting it heated, I'm keeping the flame on the end well away from the O rings. Will see a swirly orange/yellow glow in the gasses and flame being reflected from the quartz with increasing heat. When that glow is in the flame all the way around the cap as you twirl, it's ready to hit - starting the inhalation slowly at first helps prevent combustion when it's hot, but it's always a risk compared to my desktops/logs as I get increasingly clumsy with medication...

That said, can get a dark brown but black carbon char-free extraction in two hits with a stir between. Top and sides of the bud puck get toasted much more quickly than the inside so a stir seems a good idea if you can manage the hot quartz cap.

Compared to the slower ritual of an EQ/DDavemod, this is a great quickie and for $18 cannot be beaten. Effect feels different from a desktop of course - I still prefer the desktop or a log because the tastes are much more obvious. Underheating is a good strategy for me to start - you can always heat it again and that second stirred toke ends up with that popcorn taste that tells you it's done.

Great being able to see the colour of the top of the weed through the cap. The EQ is still my main driver, but this is a good, cheap option for a fast hit on the go.
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I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
I just spent a happy 10 minutes with mine, and wanted to share my results.

I'm not sure stirring is necessary with a single flame. Both my extractions were pretty even, and I wonder if it's because I never pay much attention to the very top of the quartz cap - where some people experience scorching/uneven colouring. Another variable was my use of the mouthpiece from the Rogue Wax Works' Nameless Conduction Vape, not water as I usually do.
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Dee Based

I've bought three Vaphits now and love them! I've completely forgotten about my M+ and my Mini Terpcicle. Although this has the metal bowl, it doesn't impact the taste in a huge way, it's still got good flavor. And it's so EASY to use! I love the O-rings holding the cap on because the Mini Terpcicle doesn't have those and the glass "heater" slid off mine and broke on the floor. I just recently ordered the version with the silicone stem to have as a backup for traveling.


Well-Known Member
I bought this on a whim while ordering a few things from @VGOODIEZ and it blows me away. I did not expect to like it this much ... I use it with a vgoodiez mini 14mm stack bubbler and that combo is perfect for chilling on the couch ... for less than 20 bucks it's a no-brainer and of course vgoodiez shipping was crazy fast! i like it so much i just ordered the 3d dimpled glass setup!

Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused
I'm also v impressed with mine.
Got the dimpled stem kit. Great taste. Great price.
Im assuming the silicon o rings are ok with the heat as they are exposed to considerable higher temps than say a DV o ring?
If anyone has any thoughts, be appreciated to hear them.


Well-Known Member
Love that bubbler. Been trying to find similar in the UK to no avail. Grasscity have a similar piece but the downstem/ holes look sketchy af, and the DHgate version has been out of stock for at least 18 months.
yeah it's perfect for handing back and forth while chilling on the couch!

i know vgoodiez ships internationally but i have no idea of the costs
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The cap orings look sketchy to me...

So, I've been looking for the best oring material to put an oring on the heater of my Enano XL and improve sealing of the stem without using the top basket screen on the stem (or put the oring on the basket screen to seal it better to the stem as shown here Doing some research i found more info that might be usefull for those also looking into oring materials.
Also, not sure it applies to vapor or to our usage on vaporizers, but it seems VQM/silicone and FKM have a lower max heat resistence than normally stated when talking about steam. From :

A comparison of the most important O-ring materials

MaterialTemperature resistanceChemical resistanceElasticity
NBR-30°C to +120°C / -22°F to +248°FLowHigh
HNBR-30°C to +150°C / -22°F to +302°FMediumHigh
EPDM-45°C to +150°C / -49°F to +302°FMediumHigh
SILICONE-60°C to +200°C / -76°F to +392°FLowHigh
FKM (VITON)-25°C to +200°C / -13°F to +392°FMediumHigh
FEP coated-60°C to +200°C / -76°F to +392°FHighMedium
PTFE-250°C to +250°C / -418°F to +482°FHighLow
FFKM-40°C to +340°C / -40°F to +644°FHighHigh

Hot water or steam is a much more aggressive medium than it appears. Basically, the temperature resistance of a material (e.g. on data sheets) is only valid for the medium of air . In our experience, many users do not know that the material temperature resistance only applies to air.
If we now assume hot water or steam as the medium, the maximum temperature resistance is significantly reduced.
As a guide for the hot water or steam resistance of O-ring materials we have compiled a table for you. Please note that these are approximate values. In particular, if your application should reach the limits of the material temperature limits, a precise test is necessary.
Important: When considering the maximum temperature resistance of a material, the saturation content of the water vapor must always be taken into account. The specified values are based on 100% saturated water vapor.

MaterialTemperature resistance airTemperature resistance steam
NBR120°C / 248°F80°C / 176°F
VMQ (silicone)200°C / 248°F100°C / 212°F
FKM (VITON)200°C / 248°F120°C / 248°F
EPDM150°C / 302°F170°C / 338°F
FEP coated200°C / 248°F200°C / 248°F
PTFE200°C / 248°F200°C / 248°F
FFKM - ECOLAST NH5750270°C / 518°F210°C / 410°F
FFKM - ECOLAST NH5751 HT330°C / 626°F230°C / 446°F
FFKM - ECOLAST NH5755 HT330°C / 626°F260°C / 446°F

Edit : I don't know the temp of the cap on this device but others quartz TED go way over 200°C...
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Dee Based

Hi warren0728,

Love that little bubbler! I tried a bubbler (with water & ice in it) with my Vaphit, and found myself coughing afterwards, more than without the bubbler. Have you experienced that? Or maybe you're using hot water & salt?

Dee Based
Dee Based,
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Well-Known Member
I tried ordering right from vaphit because they have an awesome selection. Wouldn’t work. Tried the Ali express store but that had limited selection. Then realized vgoodiez had it so I ordered from there. Just got here today. It’s pretty awesome. I got the 3d stem setup. I wanted to add the wpa but it was out of stock.
I ran a couple of bowls of cbd since I’m on a t break for the month but it was awesome


cantre member
they're cheap enough on sale right now I should get some extras for custom stems!, gonna add some helix style bowl vents to one and see how it flies, works great on the B tip.


Well-Known Member
Ordered a few of these from @VGOODIEZ . Waiting for them to arrive.
i ordered a couple of the dimpled stem versions from @VGOODIEZ (one for me and one for a friend) because i liked the 14mm version so well ... they showed up today! really nice stems! on a side note i also ordered a couple of the mini scoops from crossing technologies ... vgoodiez had been out of stock for awhile but have them now ... i like it better than my pax scoop ...
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