Firewood Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Would there have been proper QC a device with above issues wouldnt have slipped trough, at least my opinion. I don’t write this in any negative way. Just a fact in my view. All his pieces are work of arts and very unique!

After talking with Marc over a few emails he explained his process and after making x (huge number) amount of devices he makes them by muscle memory basically and could have missed to check some since they “always” come out great when he checks them. Tbh I’d be the same way if I was manually producing units, muscle memory sets in and you do things without even thinking. Just human nature! I think I’m sadly enough too unaccustomed to handmade pieces when writing the post, and too accustomed to mass produced shite. A bit unfair might even be said or not in my previous post, not even sure anymore.

I can add that my gap was corrected by unscrewing the screws and reseating them solved the issue! The door I sanded on the inside with a dremel with a fine sandpaper and now it glides extremely nicely. So I’m a super happy customer :) Really loved the grain in the wood on this one.

I’ve also commissioned a wood stem with titanium inlay that will have Simrells flat mouthpiece and condenser plus a titanium adapter instead of the stock glass one from KgWoodCrafts, super stoked! Will be sending my device over for measurements and so fourth. So you’ll most likely be able to order FW 9 stems there later on… :)
Sorry I was a bit defensive because I just love firewoods!! Thank you for the very objective informations! I can imagine that after many produced units it's hard to be always concentrated..

Very interesting about your effort for the stem! The stem can make a huge difference on the experience. I tried many and like the goodvibes boro the most because I like the flavor with as much glass as possible the most :) Looking forward to your stem. Please show us an update!

Agree 100%. I have no doubt that Marc checks every one before sending it out. But I understand it can certainly be unnerving when you're conducting that first inspection out of the box.

And THIS is why I only own Firewood vapes at this point and never worry when I find those oddities in a new Firewood.

I'm also all in with the firewoods since the 5. I'm very curious what's comming with the 10! I also support lamart vapes which is a different take on wood vapes but also with so much love behind!


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I still find the Firewood 9 to have restrictive draw with any of my stems. I think this vape is just more restrictive then the rest I own, and I try to pack it tighter than I should.

The other major thing is with the adapter, I need to have enough of a gap, or the small part of the stem doesn't get enough airflow. Anyone have any tips for maintaining this gap?

I'm still trying to love this vape, but it's much more finicky than anything else I own.


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Alright, so I still find the Firewood 9 to have restrictive draw with any of my stems. I think this vape is just more restrictive then the rest I own, and I try to pack it tighter than I should.

The other major thing is with the adapter, I need to have enough of a gap, or the small part of the stem doesn't get enough airflow. Anyone have any tips for maintaining this gap?

I'm still trying to love this vape, but it's much more finicky than anything else I own.
If I pull out the stem to the point where the whole of the first depression in the glass is just outside the body of the vape, the stem is as far out as it can be without disconnecting from the elbow.

Hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
It does makes sense, that's what I'm currently doing, but depending on how the o-rings (I typically use 3-4), have come to rest between the stem and wood, it will either stay where I want it, or move back into the elbow. I need the adapter to be longer, or something else to keep the stem exposed how I want during usage.

This is especially difficult to convey when sharing.


New Member
I personally cut a bit of a silicone straw. It fits perfectly around the thinnest part of the glass. It prevent the stem to go down all the way. It is the same with the stock stem I dont like it slips down too easily when drawing


Well-Known Member
Did you just luck out with a drinking straw, or did you take measurements?

Does "Silicone Tube 7mm ID x 9mm OD" sound right?


New Member
I didn’t take any measurement. I just had these straws for the children they don’t use (plastic one are forbidden now in Europe)
The size I use is roughly 7mm OD and 4 to 5 mm ID.
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Realized that I was sooo wrong in my latest post after cleaning my unit. The part that gets soaked is the ceramic joint. So no wood that gets soaked :lol:

I’m looking for a Simrell stem for my FW as I want something a bit more durable than glass. Was thinking of getting the Simrell MVS shorty with flat mouthpiece. Anyone know if the shorty version is long enough? Or is it only the xl version that works? Will the adapter work with flat mouthpiece or will I need to use it without the mouthpiece?
If anyone has one and know if it works could report back I’d be supper happy. Looking to order while the got the BF sale going hehe.

@bobothevaper convinced me not to order a Simrell stem as they don’t really fit well. So looking for the best woodworker that could create the stem I’d like. Who is the best as building custom stems?
Woa wait! I used my XL Simrell Vortex and it works great! Had to take a little rubber grip off of an ink pen, cut it so that it doesn’t cover the air hole and fit it on the stem so that it doesn’t bounce around in the FW opening but that rubber piece provides the perfect friction to extend the stem just enough to get your hit. I had actually ordered a Reload for this purpose but while the Reload was shipping I tried the Simrell and it’s perfect so I just ordered a cap that I don’t actually need… oh well. Still hasn’t gotten to me so I wait patiently.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t take any measurement. I just had these straws for the children they don’t use (plastic one are forbidden now in Europe)
The size I use is roughly 7mm OD and 4 to 5 mm ID.

Turns out, I already own a piece of silicone that's approximately the exact dimensions I need. Others readers might own this piece as well.

It's the silicone used with a glass mouthpiece on a mighty+.

I recently did a deep clean of this thing, after using bowl mode for a few weeks (very sparingly), and I had resin on the bottom of the capsule and also the top of the elbow. This seemed to be burning off on the coil and "combusting". Another way I noticed combustion is possible, is when using capsule mode, some herb can get between the capsule and touch the coils.

I'm not sure if anyone has advice for the resin. I wiped it all down with qtip/water/burn off. Capsule mode is maybe less likely to have this issue.
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hey guys, just for info, Marc seems to have released his wpa...



Well-Known Member
It's nice to see some kind of WPA but it's a shame he abandoned the old FW7 "straight shot" style WPA.

I assume this is easier to make but the open airflow on the 7 WPA is superior for using with glass. The 9 WPA still has that small choke point to go through unfortunately.

Also, the device stayed upright while in use with the 7 WPA but with the 9 WPA your load will be tipped depending on the glass?
You can tamp your herb and/or use different adapters but it just seems a bit messy and overcomplicated.

The locking mechanism is neat and the price is reasonable but I still wish there was a better solution.

Hopefully he goes back to the drawing board and keeps innovating. The overall design of the 7 was just so clean and hard to top it seems.


Well-Known Member
Also, the device stayed upright while in use with the 7 WPA but with the 9 WPA your load will be tipped depending on the glass?
You can tamp your herb and/or use different adapters but it just seems a bit messy and overcomplicated.
In my experience with the fw9 the load stays pretty secure with a tamp (from built in tamper) even when it’s at an angle where the load would be upside down.

Perhaps thats dependent on grind consistency, tamp strength, ect however it is possible to punch the screen out from the bottom of capsule if you tamp too hard. You can push the screen back on from the top with a poker or something 🦾

I never used a 7 myself but they look dope. Thats the deal with the manufacturer Marc though, hes been consistently cooking things up for quite some time. Im enjoying the bowl mode and im looking forward to see what people here think about the wpa. Whether he keeps his lineup the same, adds stuff to the 9 or makes a new fw im all for it.
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I’ve had my firewood9 for about a month and I’m loving it except every now and then when I turn it on it won’t vibrate. You can hear it trying to vibrate but it does not actually vibrate. Then, after a few minutes, it will. It’s happened several times in the last month, but it also seems to work fine after a minute or two every time. Is this something I need to be concerned or get worse? I really don’t want to return it because it’s filled a niche in my collection nicely. Of course I will if I have to.


Well-Known Member
I’ve had my firewood9 for about a month and I’m loving it except every now and then when I turn it on it won’t vibrate. You can hear it trying to vibrate but it does not actually vibrate. Then, after a few minutes, it will. It’s happened several times in the last month, but it also seems to work fine after a minute or two every time. Is this something I need to be concerned or get worse? I really don’t want to return it because it’s filled a niche in my collection nicely. Of course I will if I have to.
Let me know if you find the explanation. Mine does it too sometimes. I get the first vibration but not the one that lets me know if its up to temp. But only sometimes. So I don’t know if it’s battery-related or clenliness related but I don’t have the confidence that it will vibrate when ready so I treat it like an unregulated vape and just hit it after counting to 10 🤣


Active Member
I’ve had my firewood9 for about a month and I’m loving it except every now and then when I turn it on it won’t vibrate. You can hear it trying to vibrate but it does not actually vibrate. Then, after a few minutes, it will. It’s happened several times in the last month, but it also seems to work fine after a minute or two every time. Is this something I need to be concerned or get worse? I really don’t want to return it because it’s filled a niche in my collection nicely. Of course I will if I have to.
Mine does it too sometimes, especially when changing back to the first setting - sometimes I get a high-pitch sort of beep instead of vibration (both the first and second, and sometimes the third too), and then it turns back to vibrating normally. Doesn't affect the performance though.


Well-Known Member
Yup. I really f'ed up my FW7 awhile ago and really missed it (Such and awesome vape). It was one of my daily drivers.

Didn't like the battery pack idea and removable capsules so passed on the FW8.

Just happened to see the sale, so jumped on it Christmas Day! Looking forward to having a Firewood in my hand again as the only decent portable out there for on the go.


Well-Known Member
Hey team firewood, quick question as I look to purchase one... are the capsules good or is it better to go the bowl route? Like is it more convenient to bring a doob tube full of ground bud and the bowl version of the firewood or just bring the firewood 9 with the three pre packed bowls?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Both are great if you get the capsule set with the capsule system (=4 bowls pre-loaded).
I have both and they are easy to handle on the go, but it depends a little on your preferences afterwards (personally I'm more of a fixed bowl like on the FW7 than a capsule).
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