Shipping Update
Happy December y'all!
The tracking number I've received has updated, and the first round of 110v kits are expected to land this Wednesday the 6th
US & Canada Orders (110v)
If all goes as planned, I will have your orders shipped out the same day they land (Wednesday), or the next day the very latest (Thursday).
International Orders (220v)
These are in the second half of the order, and I'm still waiting for them to be shipped to me. I'm hoping to have them within 1 week of receiving the 110v kits.
Once I receive a tracking number, I will update all orders via email.
International Bonus
Because there is a minor delay to the international kits, I am working on adding in a gift to all orders.
IMO, it feels like international ENThusiasts always get the short end of the stick.... And although this is slightly out of my control, I'm doing my best to provide similar experiences no matter where you order from.
Deluxe Stand
I like having a guard around the head when it is resting. That why i was curious about the CH stand , i much prefer having it inside a heatshield.
I agree that the deluxe stand should have some type of heatshield / guard. A sturdier base would be nice too
When I envision a stand, I see a double walled "cup" with a heavy base. The walls are separate to allow the outside wall a barrier from conduction. Like a wooden base with two concentric steel rings about 1/2" in diameter difference. Having a small divot or cutout on the bottom of the base to attach sticky back hook-and-loop for added stability if needed.
Thanks for your input!
One of the problems with an earlier prototype was how hot the stand got because it acted as a 'heat sink'.
As of now, the idea in my head is a mix of wood + metal to provide a nice sturdy, yet elegant solution.
Glass For Dry Herb Vaping
I wonder... in your opinion, what makes a piece "made for dry herb vaping?" I completely agree with the idea as there is dab and smoke "specific" glass. What make DHV glass different?
If we are viewing our vaping experience as a complete 'ecosystem', then the glass is another variable that plays a role in the overall equation/experience.
For example, I have over 10 different dab rigs that have 10mm joints. Depending on the rigs airflow, certain quartz bangers won't work well with them.
I think the airflow and percs used are the biggest factors for glass, and combustion tubes/rigs are designed to have airflow compatible with combustion.
Custom Glass for the SB
My goal with custom glass for the SB is to give our 'seal of approval' for the rigs/designs we offer.
In other words, I want customers to know that each rig has been tested with the Screwball and was designed to enhance your overall experience.
IMO, it sucks when you order a new glass piece and it doesn't end up working well with your complete setup.
Low Temp Video
If the default lowest setting is 420F, then yes a video of the vapor at the lowest temp would be awesome!!
This was from a few posts back, but highlights an all convection hit at 420f
Consistent Cannabis Vaping
Consistency is KING for me. I've been wanting a desktop that's effortless. It's coming......
Whether I'm vaping concentrates or flower, the goal is to find my preferred consumption method and make it as repeatable as possible.
I wanted the SB to provide consistent results AND be effortless (aka easy to use). Rather than use a lighter, just put the heater on the bowl and inhale.
This one looks good but I don't like to preheat my bowls at anytime!
For me it's load and hit with zero waiting for full convection hits.
Never been a fan of the conduction taste...
The funny thing to me is that throughout all my testing I used the Screwball for mainly convection and never did a preheat. It wasn't until it was featured on Troy & Jerry and I saw them preheat that I realized other people will use the device differently to reach their desired outcome.
IMO, conduction is bad for taste with DHVs because it isn't an efficient heating method, so it leads to easily overcooking your herb on the perimeter. It will also have you leave the 'flavor zone' cooking by preheating your herb.
Quartz bangers work via conduction, so in order to preserve the flavor you need to keep the temp low enough to not overcook your oil.
100 Hit Montage
I got my personalized message from Cal this morning (as I’m sure others did). I wonder how many videos he’s doing and how stoned he is right now (if he’s taking hits for every video)
Over the past couple of days I sent out over 100 personalized messages with a thank you hit from the SB. Here's a timelapse of the ~4 seshes it took to get through it all
Thanks again for everyones early support!
Bowl vs Herb Preheating
When you guys talk about pre-heating the bowl . Do you do it with the herbs in the bowl or without the herb and then add the herbs before the hit? Because that what i do with the Taroma 360 and the Ti Bowl . I preheat the bowl without anything in it , add herb and then take the hit .
Was wondering if the screwball was also good at this.
IMO, I think there are two ways to use preheating:
Bowl Preheating
Because the bowl absorbs heat from the airpath, if we are able to preheat the bowl walls to the same temperature of the convection air then in theory, more heat should transfer into the herb rather than the wall.
IMO, this is why using a glass bowl with an injector can cause the 'green ring of doom' -> because the glass walls aren't getting hot enough to vape the herb around the edge.
Bowl + Herb Preheat
When you preheat the bowl and the herb, you are changing the starting point of the herbs internal temp before introducing the convection air stream.
If you change the starting herb temp, it will allow the convection herb to bring the herb temp to a hotter final temp.
IMO, the benefit of preheating the herb allows you to lower your convection air temp. By lowering the air temp, it should reduce the heat/temp of the vapor going into your lungs.
Think most who do pre-heat have the herb in bowl, then let it sit. Nothing wrong with the way you’re doing though, might add some more conduction and would be pretty easy with the large SB. I do this w/ the fusion occasionally (heat, then load it up).
IMO, preheating the bowl could be beneficial if it's your first hit of the sesh, and your bowl is still room temp.
If you're doing multiple hits/bowls in a sesh, after the first hit the bowl will reach temp pretty quick. I wouldn't recommended preheating the bowl before putting the herb in with the Screwball because it doesn't seem necessary.
If you want to preheat your bowl with the SB, I'd recommend putting the housing on the bowl (with herb in it) for 2-10 seconds. This shouldn't bring the herb temp up too much (depending on your PID temp)
Interestingly enough, a page or two back he actually explains how heating method matters much less than other variables (such as starting air temp of herb). These other variables can be dependent on the heating method. So, with a pure conduction oven, it's easy to overheat the herb touching the oven before the flavor from the center is vapes. However, with this hybrid setup he has going on, the conduction effect is WAY lower than say a Pax. Rather than vaping the herb on its own and overcooking the edges, the conduction is just boosting the power of the convection air, similar to a mighty. This eliminates the need to stir. It also allows for heat to penetrate deeper into the individual pieces of material for a more thorough extraction.
That all being said, theoretically, the speed your herb cooks and the temperature the herb gets to is what will determine your flavor profile more than anything else.
Well said!
If conduction is always going to be an element, the question is how can we use it to our advantage instead of disadvantage?
At the end of the day, we all have our desired roast color/end temp and a preference on how to go there -> one hit extraction vs sesh style.
IMO, I prefer the flavor and medicinal effects of keeping my convection air temp as low as possible. I designed the Screwball to maximize all the variables in our control to keep the air temp down, which meant using conduction to assist in certain situations.
Can conduction lead to overcooking and bad flavor? definitely, but I think it can also be avoided by understanding each device works and what elements are in play to reach our desired outcome