Vape swap shop

This is how i dab these days.The lightning pen by Divine tribe and SZ crossing.
It basically a tiny heated ceramic bucket, similar to the v5. It tastes way way better than the coil king, but also has more of a learning curve.
Thing is, its quite easy to make the tiny bucket overflow. At first i put the lightning pen in setting 2, held down the fire button for a long time and my rosin would go all over the place. Did not like it at all. Now i use the lowest setting, use less concentrate, and only use the firebutton in 3 seconds burts. It rocks.
It tastes just as good as the v5, but more portable. The tiny bucket is very easy to clean, a que tip is just the right size. The top has a buit in 14mm WPA. It is slightly thicker than the coil king and parts are not interchangable. The battery does not last as long on the ightning pen.
I am having loads of fun with this. It was only £50.