What constitutes a microdose?

What amount of dry herb constitutes a microdose for YOU?

  • 0.5g

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0.1g

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • 0.05G

    Votes: 25 43.9%
  • Your choice is <0.05g

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • Your choice is >0.5g

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


Tokin' Away Since 1968
My flower vape's oven holds .08 to .09 grams and can be pushed to hold nearly .15. 06 to .08 with dosing caps. When I'm into reducing my intake whether because I'm coughing or running low on weed or trying to reduce my tolerance, I add little screens which curve into the bottom and top of the dosing caps to reduce the volume to .04 to .05.

At the other end of this specturm!, when I'm trying to get high and stay high I can vape a dab of really strong stuff every 45 minutes or so. Though truth be told, at a certain point I just stop getting much higher and am essentially wasting fairly expensive rosin and live resin.


Well-Known Member
My flower vape's oven holds .08 to .09 grams and can be pushed to hold nearly .15. 06 to .08 with dosing caps. When I'm into reducing my intake whether because I'm coughing or running low on weed or trying to reduce my tolerance, I add little screens which curve into the bottom and top of the dosing caps to reduce the volume to .04 to .05.

At the other end of this specturm!, when I'm trying to get high and stay high I can vape a dab of really strong stuff every 45 minutes or so. Though truth be told, at a certain point I just stop getting much higher and am essentially wasting fairly expensive rosin and live resin.
I am doing the same thing with a dome screen and a solo2. Also, using 0.03g in a nonavong through a bubbler for topups.


Less soul, more mind
Would be nice to know if there is scientific work on this.

I think the numbers are much more vague than what we see in the LSD or shrooms microdosing scene because the goal is completely different; it's not about minimizing the used material while still having some sort of desired effect, but rather about having effects on a different level. Some time ago I did a six week shroom microdosing self therapy after having a series of „classic“ full dose shroom sessions and the effects were very very different.

I'm not sure we can apply that to cannabis too. I do microdose (~.05g) most of the times, but that's just because vaping weed is so extremely efficient, not because I was deliberately going for it. Those microdoses make me higher than the regular doses while I was still smoking.


Less soul, more mind
@feralcomprehension – Scales with .xx increments are actually pretty common nowadays (= have become quite affordable). For validation mass just look up the weigh of a coin and compare. :-)
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Well-Known Member
I don't know what the official definition of microdosing is. I usually only consume THC after 5pm. But yesterday I tried just the tiniest sprinkle of sativa flower in the morning with my coffee. Like 4 little pieces of coarse ground flower. Definitely didn't get "high" but there was something tickling my noid receptors. Had the most productive work day of the week.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what a microdose is. There are so many definitions around that I stick with actual weight. With the current batch of homegrown and a modded ELEV8R it's between .04 g and .05 g
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Well-Known Member
0.05g for me.

My cheap scale only registers 0.03g and up, but anything below 0.05g wasn't really worth it to me in the end when i was experimenting.


Well-Known Member
What temperature do you all microdose at please? Is the temp the same as a regular session or do you adjust for the load size? Seems like a dim question but something I've not seen mentioned in my microdosing reading.
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Well-Known Member
What temperature do you all microdose at please? Is the temp the same as a regular session or do you adjust for the load size? Seems like a dim question but something I've not seen mentioned in my microdosing reading.
I’ve been quiet so far, as I didn’t think I could add much to the discussion- but temperature and dose is something I’ve been paying close attention to all year. So here’s my :2c:

The short answer;

In the morning in between 164°C to 185°

(Supposedly above 180-185° starts to vaporize more ‘sleepy’ compounds, and the effective cannabinoids start to boil at as low as 150°)

In the afternoon above 185° below 200° (Above 200° Is potentially producing toxic vapors)

The slightly longer answer;
So it heavily depends on which terpenes, and cannabinoids, that you want at any particular moment or time/day
There is a picture/list you can find online of all the cannabinoid/terpene boiling points- (just search cannabinols boiling points or thc boiling point) -which will show you -what will vaporize when- and any effects/benefits (if any) each compound may have.​

With most low or micro dose’s, either in the morning or throughout the day, I personally like to stay fairly low temp (below or up to 180°C) to minimize any sedating effects.
Especially if the strain is high in α- and β-pinene, I like to start and stay particularly low- 164°-167°

When it’s night time and I want to sleep however, I’ll increase the temperature. (and usually the dose)
but again, above 200°C you start potentially producing toxic vapors, so anything left beyond 200° is (in my mind) the stuff better turned into tinctures or edibles.

Hope that helps! :cheers:

Edit: In regards to if it’s dose dependent-not necessarily, I’ll do macro and micro doses the same temperature depending mostly on the time of day, and what I need to get done that day. Lots to get done= Micro doses and very low temp all day, never above 180°C
An average day however, start low (both dose and temp) and slowly increase both over the course of the day (morning-0.05g@167°c, noon-0.1g@176°c afternoon-0.15g@185°c and bedtime .2-.3@190-200°c)
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I find with micro dosing people tend to fixate on the dosage size, when the session frequency is often the much more determining factor.

There’s a difference between micro dosing and simply preferring to vape small bowls.

IMHO a true micro dose is like one hit per day.

Whereas twelve .05g bowls isn’t quite a microdose in my opinion as your tolerance from that many bowls doesn’t match the expectations of the micro dosing concept.


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
.3 grams. My usual dosage is about 1.5-2 grams a sitting with wife. So three dynavap loads is a micro dosage/ small high to me which is only about 1/3 of my normal dosage, this only gives me the uplifted but clear mind change. IMO the term micro-dose is purely subjective to the persons normal dose. Like willie Nelson’s micro-dose to get smaller effects is most likely my macro dose.


Well-Known Member
And why would we do that?

Microdosing shrooms for example is very different from macrodosing them, but there are noticeable effects and they're not subconscious at all, so I wonder what cannabis microdosing is all about.

My experiment doing a minimal-dose gave me effects that I could perceive, but just barely. It was like a nootropic. I should probably experiment with experiencing cannabis in this way, but I really value at least mild inebriation at night and don't want to negatively affect my tolerance and screw that up.


Less soul, more mind
My experiment doing a minimal-dose gave me effects that I could perceive, but just barely. It was like a nootropic. I should probably experiment with experiencing cannabis in this way, but I really value at least mild inebriation at night and don't want to negatively affect my tolerance and screw that up.
Yeah, I read about your coffee experiment and found it super interesting, because the effects you describe look a lot like what I got from shroom microdosing: it (among some other things) made me super productive and focused.
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