Joosebox Customizable Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
bf the company is in the stage of looking for funding, which explains the emphasis on that in stead of product.

And that's totally fair. But why am I seeing the investor page on FC? There should be two marketing channels. One for investors, one for end users. I sympathize with needing funding. Not everyone has a rich daddy who can write a six figure check for their business venture like Jeff Bezos. So I guess selling unregulated securities to crypto bros is one way to go about it.

I like synthwave and 8 bit shit. I just think NFT's are fucking stupid.

Can we get a video of it in action?

Yeah, if the product is done THAT'S what they should've posted on FC. The reception would've been much better.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I agree that especially with the NFT funding model there's channels that are way more appropriate than FC. The company did choose to really intertwine the end product and its particular funding method by adding DAO on product development c.q. user experience. That kind of makes it hard to talk about one thing and not the other. NFT is immature but I think could develop into something interesting, current shit is mostly garbage though.


Hello everyone! Sorry for the delayed response, trying to balance the whole work life, entrepreneur, down time, etc... life. Great feedback I really do appreciate all the comments as it helps with realizing all the different perspectives on the project.

First, yes everyone who has acknowledged the crowdfund is heavily NFT crypto based is correct and trust me I get the pessimism about the whole thing, especially if you've been burned in any such venture or crowdfund before. The intent was never to pitch the crypto side of the project, it was always about the vaporizer being not only original in design and function but honestly a top tier product you would want to use on the daily. Being an avid user myself that is the most important thing to me.

Secondly I got lazy and copy and pasted a pitch deck geared towards a completely different audience and obviously I see my errors. With dry herb vaporizers being rejected by Kickstarter, Indiegogo etc the crypto space was the only one accepting projects like this. At the beginning of the pandemic I had already been engineering this project and was furloughed at my my day job for several months so I said fuck it, I'm going to work every night on pre loading my social media posts so I don't have to worry about it come production manufacturing time (anyone who works in manufacturing knows the struggle is real). I knocked out at least 60 different images, animations etc. Then the noise got louder in NFTs and it seemed like a perfect fit to get funding for my project through all my graphics I had just created. And that's how we ended up here today.

There is a real product here and it will perform.

When it comes to prototypes and patents I do have have those and will make some videos for those who have requested. I mentioned in my previous post I have several iterations of prototypes and have no problem showing the progression. If you work in any design or manufacturing setting I think you would appreciate the thought and design process that went in.

If you have more questions and comments please keep them coming and if you are a "I will believe it when I see it" type, check back on this thread in 2023 when we have released Joosebox.

Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! Sorry for the delayed response, trying to balance the whole work life, entrepreneur, down time, etc... life. Great feedback I really do appreciate all the comments as it helps with realizing all the different perspectives on the project.

First, yes everyone who has acknowledged the crowdfund is heavily NFT crypto based is correct and trust me I get the pessimism about the whole thing, especially if you've been burned in any such venture or crowdfund before. The intent was never to pitch the crypto side of the project, it was always about the vaporizer being not only original in design and function but honestly a top tier product you would want to use on the daily. Being an avid user myself that is the most important thing to me.

Secondly I got lazy and copy and pasted a pitch deck geared towards a completely different audience and obviously I see my errors. With dry herb vaporizers being rejected by Kickstarter, Indiegogo etc the crypto space was the only one accepting projects like this. At the beginning of the pandemic I had already been engineering this project and was furloughed at my my day job for several months so I said fuck it, I'm going to work every night on pre loading my social media posts so I don't have to worry about it come production manufacturing time (anyone who works in manufacturing knows the struggle is real). I knocked out at least 60 different images, animations etc. Then the noise got louder in NFTs and it seemed like a perfect fit to get funding for my project through all my graphics I had just created. And that's how we ended up here today.

There is a real product here and it will perform.

When it comes to prototypes and patents I do have have those and will make some videos for those who have requested. I mentioned in my previous post I have several iterations of prototypes and have no problem showing the progression. If you work in any design or manufacturing setting I think you would appreciate the thought and design process that went in.

If you have more questions and comments please keep them coming and if you are a "I will believe it when I see it" type, check back on this thread in 2023 when we have released Joosebox.

Thanks everyone.
you're in a professional forum, it doesn't give you a lot of credit writting a lot without showing us the heater....

btw the idea of convection+conduction is a great IDEA, but requires a lot of thinking like, when the user changes mode to conduction, from convection, the herb chamber - where is it placed? the convection heater is too powerful being too close to the chamber, right? so you need to think of an attachment or something that folds into the vape in somehow that the user can replace modes
something that folds, that is also healthy as being placed in a clean airpath.... not an easy task... but it's great idea on paper!
usually, it's not that easy to create something metal that folds in.... need to think....

how can it also be a 510 vape? too much things in 1 vape can lead it to a disaster..

try focusing on convection+conduction maybe without the 510 thing...
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staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
Now time to go relax with a Joosebox.

There is a real product here and it will perform.

So… it’s a real product, or it will be a real product? If it’s not obvious to you, this forum’s not going to be a great experience for you if you’re not willing to be on the level with us. If you’ve got a real, working prototype, let’s see it.


Chronic vapaholic
There was a time, not so long ago, where we were thankful to have manufacturers share their early ideas and get feedback from our community, having a rare chance to interact and help them adapt their products so they better fit our needs.

So give the man some slack please! You're all creating a non welcoming atmosphere here. And while I loathe NFT's and crypto-crap like many of you, I think the guy deserves the benefit of the doubt.



Well-Known Member

“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” - Design and build a good device, take customers money, send them a device. Simple. Transparent
You’ll need to be reported for breaking the rules there @RogueGuy. For sure the Accessory Maker tag is invalid.

You need to have that updated to ‘Vape and Accessory Designer and Maker’


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
An example would be say we vote on having Seth Rogen as one of our limited edition sponsored accessories. We design an attachment that resembles his head, when you change the heater to his custom edition his laugh is the audible feedback etc. These would only be available to Joosebox token holders like you. If Seth's popularity is high then the value of the tokens you hold are driven up in value which you could sell, hold or use.

Stealing Mike D GIF by Beastie Boys
*two months later heady atlas as it hits injector bowl “hahahaha” in Seth rogans voice


Hello everyone, I was able to get some videos together through out the design and build process. We have worked on several iterations at this point and are probably on about revision 6. With a lot of lessons learned and experimenting with different configurations we narrowed our design direction to what you have seen referenced in the initial video which is our final version once everything from tooling, heaters, packaging etc is kicked off with completion of receiving funds.

This is our heater we utilized after trying many off the shelf ceramic and kanthal heaters. We couldn't get the form or function quite right so we kicked off our own convection style kanthal heater. Our final will be alumina ceramic hybrid because of its moldable characteristics and are now available to be 3D printed which anyone who has experience in product and mold design knows can solve a lot of problems with certain tooling conditions. This will be fully realized once budget allows. The heater body is also custom 3D printed in alumina ceramic, very complex and expensive for prototypes but we couldn't get real world results without it and thermodynamic fea only can take your confidence so far.


Here is a small collection of various studies in form factor. Some wider, shorter etc. Buttons on top, front, and behind. The Joosebox on the left represents our final sizing which currently measures 1.5" length x .9" wide x 4.25" height.


Here is one of first software tests. Ramping the heater assembly up and pausing when temp is hit as well as cycling through pre set temps which is the intention for the first iteration. The Joosebox Ultra will be precise temp adjustable for the "experts".

This is one of first tests with the full kanthal heater assembly with our second pcb design. Just cycling through the preset temps.

This is a low temp (approximately 360F) with a very slow ramp up as we are using unstable 3D printed body housings which deforms when high temperatures are met very quickly. The vapor is light but is used as a proof of concept and development hence the need for funding to take this to the final stage of production intent. This version also shows our magnetic removable battery which currently is only planned in the Ultra version.

We also have some really fun packaging experiences planned, here are the first proofs and direction we will be going with.



If interested we could use some more social media followers to help drive some analytics and get seen by more people on twitter and Instagram. Yes I know you don't want to contribute to crowdfunding lol but any follow really will help. Thanks!


Canadian lost in Europe
Hello everyone, I was able to get some videos together through out the design and build process. We have worked on several iterations at this point and are probably on about revision 6. With a lot of lessons learned and experimenting with different configurations we narrowed our design direction to what you have seen referenced in the initial video which is our final version once everything from tooling, heaters, packaging etc is kicked off with completion of receiving funds.

This is our heater we utilized after trying many off the shelf ceramic and kanthal heaters. We couldn't get the form or function quite right so we kicked off our own convection style kanthal heater. Our final will be alumina ceramic hybrid because of its moldable characteristics and are now available to be 3D printed which anyone who has experience in product and mold design knows can solve a lot of problems with certain tooling conditions. This will be fully realized once budget allows. The heater body is also custom 3D printed in alumina ceramic, very complex and expensive for prototypes but we couldn't get real world results without it and thermodynamic fea only can take your confidence so far.


Here is a small collection of various studies in form factor. Some wider, shorter etc. Buttons on top, front, and behind. The Joosebox on the left represents our final sizing which currently measures 1.5" length x .9" wide x 4.25" height.


Here is one of first software tests. Ramping the heater assembly up and pausing when temp is hit as well as cycling through pre set temps which is the intention for the first iteration. The Joosebox Ultra will be precise temp adjustable for the "experts".

This is one of first tests with the full kanthal heater assembly with our second pcb design. Just cycling through the preset temps.

This is a low temp (approximately 360F) with a very slow ramp up as we are using unstable 3D printed body housings which deforms when high temperatures are met very quickly. The vapor is light but is used as a proof of concept and development hence the need for funding to take this to the final stage of production intent. This version also shows our magnetic removable battery which currently is only planned in the Ultra version.

We also have some really fun packaging experiences planned, here are the first proofs and direction we will be going with.



If interested we could use some more social media followers to help drive some analytics and get seen by more people on twitter and Instagram. Yes I know you don't want to contribute to crowdfunding lol but any follow really will help. Thanks!
should've opened with all these pictures and details! Proof is in the pudding - now for performance!


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
Tough audience. Am I the only one that thinks five strobing lights are not only annoying, but remove any opportunity for stealthness and might cause seizers to those susceptible? Hopefully there will be a turn off option.

Having a background in manufacturing and marketing, I'm puzzled why you chose to go with the bright colors, flashing displays and comic book like graphics when other successful vape manufactures have chosen a much more subdued approach? Hopefully your gambit will pay dividends.

Best of everything in your venture forward!


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that thinks five strobing lights are not only annoying, but remove any opportunity for stealthness and might cause seizers to those susceptible? Hopefully there will be a turn off option.
This was my exact thought when I saw the strobe lights. Terrible for stealth!


Well-Known Member
so, although you've gone through all these iterations, and prototypes, and everything, and have built a whole crowdfunding and marketing portfolio for everything, and have hit the ground running for the entire concept and company, yet, you still don't even know if and how it can perform at the proper "enthusiast/connoisseur" expected vaping temperatures, nor how it performs in other aspects other than just cloudage, at those temps...? that's quite the gamble...

i mean, don't get me wrong - i understand you've figured out a bunch of it on paper, and through testing and hypothesizing certain aspects, but, specifically in the vaporizer industry, in this age, you need to know a vape's true performance before putting everything on the line for it, because in this industry, theres such an enormously vast number of variables and factors that effect the experience, and many times, when a vape company doesn't fully grasp their product's performance and tune it towards what the community wants and demands, nor know for sure that it's a pleasant experience at those temps (such as flavor dropoff, foreign tastes at higher temps due to specifically used materials, could be good cloudage yet taste roasty and not pleasant, harshness of the vapor whether thats the temp/heat or just the sharpness or traits of the certain vapor particles that vape produces, unnoticed unbalanced airflow or too restrictive and not conducive towards good inhalation pulling and performance building, drawspeed too easily affecting performance and causing it to either combust too easily or cool it down too much and make it not perform enough what its supposed to, and i can literally keep on going and going...), and usually ends up with either the device's popularity failing pretty rapidly, and users just ignoring it after they witness a couple videos of people using one, or ends up screwing up the reputation of the entire company, which can be possibly redeemed down the line if said company fixes their mistake by releasing an actually good performing device and learning their lessons from the past, but even then, it can be difficult to gain the community's trust, respect, and attention again.

and im not saying all of this to bash you guys or anything... im trying to give you a wake up call, and alternative perspective of why you're getting these kinds of reactions in this thread. of course the whole crypto/nft thing is a huge part of it as well, but seriously, i guarantee you 90% of the people here would ignore all that and not even care about it and still support you guys 100% if you at first (or even later on after figuring it out and making a proper proto at the correct temps), just shared a complete prototype that can actually perform to it's full potential, and show everyone that it can actually rip - i bet you most of these people would not be giving you as hard of a time right now, and would be cheering you on... sure, there'd still be people being skeptical and cracking jokes about the whole crypto stuff, but theyd still all have your back, because that's what this community cares about; performance. plain and simple. so really; i think you were just too hasty by posting the way you did... if you were honest up front and just teased what was to come, but said that you still don't know how it's going to perform yet, cuz you haven't used one with proper temps yet, then it'd be more understandable, but up until that last post you made finally revealing videos - everything you had been telling all of us had been misleading due to it all not being based on an actual proper-working proto that can actually perform at vaping temps. but i am curious and intrigued how all of this is going to turn out, and i hold out hope that this turns out to perform well... it'd be pretty interesting to see this kind of market model play out.... anyways, just thought i'd throw in my 2 cents, and hope that you're able to get the company off the ground to actually see if this vape can be a worthy option for the market....
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