This thread is quite large. What are considered the best DIY builds here? Maybe a plug in option and a battery one? Looking for a build that i can get most of the materials on Amazon. Also wondering if there is a DIY instructable for a Koi Boi Spark type of device, maybe for my Apollo 2.
I'd say that totally depends on your preferences and demands of an DIY IH. If it's size you care about, well, see post 1 and page 13 of this topic and go from there

. Adjustability of energy output, you'd need to look at examples of people who mess with that through voltage controll / pwm stuff / etc. How easy something is to make would also play a factor.
But yeah, it might be nice to whip up a few guides (a la the beasthoss google docs one) for commonly used setups. Link them all in one sticky topic, rate them on difficulty, and provide a few pro's and con's bulletpoints.
Especially now r/ih is down.
Edit: Perhaps a 'DIY IH guides' section at the resources tab, where we then use the same format for posting, so ppl can easily see which ones of the guides fits their wants/needs? Use the tag line to rate beginner/intermediate/advanced and add some keywords like 'small size' 'battery/wall-powered' or 'pwm control'.
Totally willing to write a guide for my build in post #694 (including TommyDee's upgrade suggestion). Keywords: Beginner, wall-powered, variable voltage control.