haven't posted in a bit and I did say if I mysteriously disappeared it was cause I was dead

from my unorthodox dish cleaning practises, but since I'm not dead I thought I would check in

. still rocking my Vrod , never felt the need to upgrade

. been torturing my Dnail frosted quartz dish, put a g of concentrate through it only dry qtiping and this morning I even had a dab and didn't clean up, left it sitting with the carb cap on for 20 minutes for good measure!
behold the glory of a thousand dabs!........ ok that's a bit of a exaggeration but it is dirty!
looks like a powdered doughnut but eating it would be a bad idea!........ bubble bubble, no toil, no trouble!
after the acid bath I use 1 qtip to scrub under hot running water, than drop into cleaning vinegar scrub with 1/2 a qtip and again scrub with running water and the other half of the qtip.
behold the shining glory! oh the pristineness! It's almost a shame to get it dirty again but dam it's a lot of fun getting there
the experiment continues............