Well, now that I've had the unit for some time, I feel like it's only appropriate for me to give some extended impressions. Currently enjoying a nice morning sesh at 378.
I'm still blown away by the versatility of this unit. The low temp settings are incredibly smooth and flavorful, but with more vapor than I see most units produce at 390-400, while the higher temp settings can really send you soaring and leave the avb right where I want it after a few hits at 410. The 3D Flow stem has become a permanent resident of the accessory attachment, with a small piece of silicon whip tubing on the end to help a bit with the heat on extended sessions, although it does seem the heat of the stem correlates with the temp of the heater, and keeping the unit below around 390 seems to keep the heat on the lips mostly in check. The 3D Stem+accessory attachment has become my primary build at home, but I must say the stock mouthpiece with 3mm Borosilicate beads ("Adamas-Beta Solid Round Clear Glass Boiling Stones Beads, 3mm Diameter" on Amazon) does cool incredibly well and makes for a great on the go pocketable build, although the beads do seem to build up vapor resin considerably faster than the 3D Stem.
Both the dosing caps and the "naked" bowl loading seem to require a moderate pack, as expected in a (mostly) conduction vaporizer, although this requires no more than using the back of a small screwdriver to lightly tamp the load until mild resistance is felt. I'm definitely glad I opted for the Edge instead of the Rogue, since it really does rely on the bowl being completely full to perform at its best. It comfortably holds .2-.25g when packed as described, which IME has been more than enough for both solo sessions and use between two people, with the dosing caps lowering this requirement a bit to probably around .15g apiece.
The battery life has been ok, though as others have noted a replaceable battery like an 18650 would be nice. I do have to admit my experience with the battery is probably worsened by my need to thoroughly roast every bowl rather than just run a 3 minute sesh then dump the load, so I could certainly get much better results with shorter session times/not reusing bowls. Even with running bowls for 2 sessions at approx 11-12 total minutes, I still manage to get 4-5 bowls per charge, with each charge taking about 2 hours. For the size of the unit, I really can't complain, since that would probably be at least 10 bowls at 4 minute sessions each.
Overall, it's a pretty incredible little portable, and I'm definitely satisfied with my purchase. I'm soon VAS will set in at some point (I already have my eye on a dyna welcome kit, hehe), but for the use cases I had in mind before purchasing, the Edge has definitely satisfied.
Now, to go ahead and finish off that bowl from earlier at 398