So you can see the laser/vapor at work?Why hold and inhale in that orientation?
So you can see the laser/vapor at work?Why hold and inhale in that orientation?
Does anyone else smell some bro-science mktg?
Why hold and inhale in that orientation? Seems odd, relative to Crafty/Mighty use
Samples from Beam's instagram. Does anyone else smell some bro-science mktg?
I'm looking forward to it, seems fun
I would have used it before bothering to type!One arrived to me this morning, I will have a chance to unbox and test it out tomorrow.
You’re right. I guess I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t use a glass vial. I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer. I’m looking forward to your review and hope this thing slaps.The "nylon" reference posted above seems a bit knee-jerk IMO -- no indication that the nylon reaches high temps, it's a containment material
They mention metals leaching which is a chemical process, not temperature related, that’s why the nylon tank is obscure.
You’re right. I guess I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t use a glass vial. I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer. I’m looking forward to your review and hope this thing slaps.
You know, I’ve wondered about how the heavy metals in carts tests are conducted. Like, do they test before filling the carts and compare the results to after the oil had been sitting in the carts for a while? Because lots of carts use bottom of the barrel disty, made from dirty trim.
If they aren’t testing every step along the process, we don’t really know where the heavy metals were introduced. I’m sure it’s possible terps can leech metals from carts, but I don’t think that’s really been proven conclusively yet.
But I can’t help but point out the elephant in the room: we really shouldn’t inhale anything that is caustic enough to leach out metals????? Who cares how chemically resilient the container is, at that point I think we have much bigger issues!
This isn't real and, at the very least, the investors don't understand how vapes or lasers work. Maybe the designers don't either, but someone is getting paid regardless.
The littlest bit of reclaim will defeat the entire device.
Got tracking email with links to user guide and these vid links. Not sure if they are age restricted
How to load Beam cart:
exploded view:
We can be a fickle bunch here:
With cart batteries, many clamored for lowest voltage, forgoing clouds for flavor and reduced irritation. Now we wonder if Beam is hot enough for decent clouds?
With material safety issues, many demand super clean airpaths, raising concerns over micro surface dust on some herb vapes. Now, we wonder how much a problem contaminants really are?
I like lasers. I like vapes. Sounds good to me
Remember seeing early laser around 1965 in neighbor's garage in NJ. He worked for Bell Labs. Cool stuff for a seven year old kid. He tried describing how he was working with glass filaments to transmit information through them using laser light. Went right over my head at the time, still does
edit: @invertedisdead - you are first on list, after I mess around with it. Don’t worry, I ordered extra mouthpiece and chamber, then pass along to V
Agreed, it was more my point that we just didn't care/know better back in the dirty ol' combustication days (notice the face palm emoji) and now we pour over the implications of every material anywhere near our vape devices.Having done it doesn't add anything to the "making things safely" conversation
Be careful, man.Charging, will acquire goodies and report back tomorrow
Be careful, man.